10. Leaving the building

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A/N: "Deep down I knew this would come, so thanks for having my back. And for anyone who thought I had left, I never left. Just moved aside for a while." - Daniel Ricciardo

Prince Charles slowly woke up, feeling an odd sense of emptiness beside him. He blinked his eyes open and immediately realized that Max was no longer in bed next to him. A sudden pang of worry shot through him as he sat up, scanning the room to find any trace of Max.

His eyes landed on the slightly ajar bathroom door, and his heart skipped a beat. Max was naked in the shower. He couldn't see much, but he did see his wet chest, his board shoulder, his butt. He quickly looked away. Why was he thinking like that? Why was he staring at his bodyguard?He tried to fall back asleep, but his mind kept drifting off to the naked man. All his mind could think of at that moment was him.

He heard the sound of the bathroom door opening and then closing again.

Curious, Prince Charles opened his eyes slightly and peered through his lashes, watching as Max silently made his way back to bed. Prince Charles kept up his pretense of being asleep, but he couldn't help but continue to observe Max as he crawled back into bed.

Charles noticed that Max was trying to be as quiet as possible, as if not wanting to disturb him. Max's movements were slow and careful, and he was deliberately keeping his breathing soft and even.

For a moment, Charles found himself lost in thought, contemplating Max's behavior. He wondered why Max was being so cautious around him, as if he was afraid of waking him up.

As if sensing the Prince's gaze upon him, Max turned slightly in his direction, looking at him with a mix of concern and confusion.

Prince Charles quickly closed his eyes, pretending to be deep in sleep once again, hoping that Max hadn't noticed him staring.

However, Charles couldn't shake the feeling that Max was hiding something from him. He made a mental note to himself to try and figure out what was going on with Max and offer him the support he needed.

The next morning, Max woke up from loud noises. 'What the hell', he thought.

At first, Max was unsettled by the loud noises coming from the hallway. He sat up in his bed, trying to listen intently to what was happening outside. Just as he was about to wake Charles up and investigate, he heard them - the sound of the terrorists breaking through the door.

Max's heart pounded as he shook Charles awake, "We need to leave, now!" he said, grabbing his coat and shoes from the floor.

"Do you know what's happening?" Charles asked, disoriented and confused by the sudden urgency in Max's voice.

"The terrorists are in the hotel," Max replied, his voice shaking with fear. "We need to go before they find us."

Charles quickly gathered his things and followed Max out of the room.

Down the hall, they could hear the terrorists screaming and shouting, making their way through the hotel floor by floor. With each step they took, Max and Charles could feel the adrenaline pumping through their veins. All they could think about was escaping from the hotel as quickly as possible.

Luckily, they were just in time. As they made their way down the back staircase, they could hear the terrorists breaking down their hotel room door, searching for them. Max and Charles quickly fled out of the hotel and into the streets, lucky to be alive.

They ran into an alley, before finally being able to catch their breath.

"Why couldn't they have waited till I was awake?" Charles said, putting on his shirt. He had ran away with his shirt in his hand, not having the time to put it on.

"I don't think they care about that," Max answered. " Be happy we got away alive, and not bleeding out in that bed."

This caused Charles Shivers. What would have happened if Max hadn't heard them? If they didn't get away on time. He was sleeping, he didn't hear anything outside. He was dreaming, dreaming of him.

"Here, water." Max gave the half empty bottle to Charles. "I will get some new ones when we know we are safe."

Charles took the bottle out of his hand, their fingers brushing, sending shivers through Charles's body again.

"You are shivering, are you cold?" Max asked. "You can have my jacket." Max was taking of his jacket to give it to Charles.

"No, don't worry. Otherwise you will be cold." Charles lied. He didn't have it cold, he shivered because of him, but he couldn't tell him that.

"I don't mind, here take it." Max put the jacket around Charles's shoulders, his muscles flexing.

Charles had to try hard not to choke on his water from the sight.

"Thank you." He managed to choke out.

Hours went by and they sat in an alley waiting long enough that they were sure the terrorist left. Looking for them somewhere else.

Max got off the ground. "I will see if I can get some food," Max said, "Please be safe." Max added before running away.

A/N: Short chapter and not the best, but I am trying to write again.

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