5. A kidnapping at the palace

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As Prince Charles entered his room after a long day, he breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he was finally out of the public eye and free to relax. He took off his suit jacket and loosened his tie when he heard a knock at the door.

"Your Highness, it's me, Max," came the muffled voice from the other side.

Charles rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh before opening the door. Max walked in and immediately began briefing him on the day's events.

"Your schedule is clear for the rest of the evening, Your Highness. I've made sure that everything is secure, and you should be able to get a good night's rest," Max said.

Charles nodded, already feeling a sense of drowsiness creeping up on him. "Thank you, Max. I appreciate it."

As Max turned to leave, Charles hesitated for a moment before speaking up. "Max, do you ever worry about anything bad happening? All of this security can be suffocating sometimes."

Max paused for a moment before responding. "Of course, Your Highness. I think about it every day. But, it's better to be safe than sorry."

With that, Max left the room, leaving Charles to contemplate what he said.

As Charles began to settle in, he heard a noise from outside his room. Curious, he walked to the door, and before he could open it, the door was kicked open, and a group of four armed men barged in.

"Prince Charles, you're coming with us," the tall and muscular man in front said.

Charles was taken aback by the intrusion and immediately raised his hands in surrender. "What's going on? Who are you?"

"We represent a group seeking to dismantle your country's government. Your father's policies have gone on long enough," the man said.

Charles was now frightened and confused. "How did you get past the security?"

"That's not important. We have no time to waste," the man replied, grabbing Charles by the arm and forcing him to come with them.

The group hustled Charles out of the room and made their way through the palace, avoiding any detection by the security cameras. They eventually reached a stairwell and descended to the lower levels of the palace.

Charles was sweating and trembling, feeling the full weight of danger descending upon him. "Please, let me go. My family will pay a ransom," Charles pleaded.

The muscular man sneered. "We have no interest in your money. The only thing we want is for your father and his government to fall."

Charles tried to remain calm and reasoned with them. "You're not going to get away with this. There will be consequences."

The man laughed. "We'll see about that. Now, be quiet and walk."

Charles had no choice but to comply as the men led him to a waiting van, which drove them away from the palace at full speed.

Meanwhile, in the King's chambers, the monarch and Max were in the middle of discussing the upcoming national function when they heard the sound of screeching tires and car engines in the distance.

The King's eyes widened in concern. "What on earth is going on outside?"

Max stood up and walked over to the window to get a better look. His heart began to race as he saw a vehicle speeding away from the palace at high speed. "I think something might be wrong, Your Majesty. We need to investigate," Max said.

The King agreed, and the two of them rushed out of the room, headed towards the area where the noise was coming from.

As they approached the main gate, they saw that security personnel were already on the scene, frantically trying to identify the vehicle that had just fled. Max frowned as he took in the situation.

Max rushed back to Charles' room, only to find that the prince was nowhere to be found. Immediately, he alerted the rest of his team and sprung into action, scouring the palace for any signs of the prince.

"This doesn't look good, Your Majesty. We should check the security cameras and see if we can identify the car."

The King nodded, and they quickly made their way to the palace's security room, where they began poring over footage of the incident.

It wasn't long before they discovered that Prince Charles had been kidnapped by a group of terrorists who had managed to evade the palace's security measures.

The King and Max felt a felt a sense of dread wash over them as they realized the full extent of the danger.

Max realised that he had failed in his duty to protect the prince.

But the King was determined not to let the terrorists win. With Max's help, he vowed to track down his son and bring the kidnappers to justice, no matter the cost

A/N: I have published another Lestappen fanfic, it is called 'Vegas- Lestappen'. I really am not able to finish a book before starting a new one. I have 36 drafts. 

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