13. Unpleasant surprise

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Max's phone rang loudly, startling him out of his slumber. He rubbed his eyes and reached for the device, answering before the second ring.

"Max here," he said groggily.

"It's the King," said a disembodied voice on the other end. "Everything's clear. It's safe to return to the palace."

Max's heart raced with relief. They had been in hiding for several weeks since a threat on the prince's life had been made. He glanced over at Charles, who had been sleeping soundly next to him.

"My prince," Max said, shaking Charles gently. "Wake up. We can go back to the palace now."

The prince rubbed the sleep from his eyes and sat up. "Is it true?"

Max nodded, a small smile spreading across his lips. "Yes, sir. We can go back."

" We can go back," Charles mumbeld " I can go back to my family. Oké lets go."

The two quickly got dressed and gathered their belongings, preparing to make their way back to the palace. However, as they traveled, they realized that they were being followed by a group of terrorists who seemed determined to finish what they had started.

" Fuck," Max cursed

Max pushed Charles behind a nearby wall, shielding him from view. They watched as the terrorists passed by without noticing them. Once it was safe, they stepped out from behind the wall. In the quiet of the night, they were face to face, their eyes locked in an intense gaze.

Charles could feel his heart racing in his chest as he looked at the handsome bodyguard before him. Without warning, he leaned in and kissed Max. Max was taken aback but quickly responded, deepening the kiss.

The two men stood there, holding each other tightly, enjoying the moment of stolen tenderness despite the danger surrounding them.

After a few moments, they broke the kiss and Max looked at Charles. "We need to go, my king," he said, his voice heavy with emotion.

Charles nodded, knowing that they needed to regain their composure and continue on their journey. The two walked away, their hands brushing up against each other, neither knowing what the future held for them. But for that one moment, everything else faded away and it was just the two of them, wrapped up in each other's embrace.

They had been walking for quite some time. Everything around them was dark and quiet, only the soft sounds of their breathing was heard.

Charles didn't like the quiet, he wanted to talk to Max. Talk about the kiss about his feeling. Did the kiss mean something?

" Max?," Charles finally asked.

" Yes, what is it," Max had a slight feeling that he knew what the Prince was going to say, only he didn't know what he was going to answer.

" Did you mean it," Charles hesitated " Did you mean it when we kissed?"

Max stopped in his trace, what was he going to say.

He can't be with a Prince, it is not possible. He is just some bodyguard who need to protect him. Charles is a Prince, the heir to the throne of Monaco. There paths aren't meant to go together.

"Did you mean the kiss, Max?" Charles asked again. He didn't know what to do. He likes Max, he has for the moment he layed eyes on him. He found Max the most beautiful men he had every seen.

"The kiss," Max said quietly, avoiding Charles's gaze. " That is what you want to talk about."

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that and I-"

"No, Charles, that's not it," Max interrupted, finally meeting his gaze. "The thing is.. I.. I liked it."

Charles felt his heart skip a beat as he processed Max's words. Did he just say what Charles was thinking?

"You did?" Charles asked, unable to contain his excitement.

Max nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Yeah, I did. But.. I don't think this is a good idea."

"Why not?" Charles asked, feeling his heart sink.

Max sighed, running a hand through his hair. "You're a prince, Charles. You deserve someone better than just a bodyguard. Someone who can give you everything you want without any restrictions. Besides, we have a professional relationship that could be jeopardized by any personal involvement."

Charles felt like someone had punched him in the gut. He knew Max was right, but that didn't make it hurt any less. "I understand. But.. do you feel the same way about me?"

Max didn't answer for a few seconds, and Charles felt like his heart was being crushed under the weight of his own emotions. Finally, Max spoke, his voice softer than before. "Yeah, Charles. I do. But.. it's just not possible."

Charles took a step closer to Max, looking into his eyes. "I don't care about any of that. I just know that I want to be with you, Max. More than anything."

Max looked torn, his eyes flickering between Charles's eyes and the ground. Finally, he let out a defeated sigh. "I want to be with you too, Charles. But we have to be smart about it. We can't risk your reputation or our jobs."

Charles nodded, feeling the tears stinging his eyes. He knew Max was right, but it still hurt to know that nothing could happen between them.

"Okay," Charles said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I understand."

Max leaned in, placing a soft kiss on Charles's forehead. "I'm sorry, Charles. I just want to protect you."

Charles nodded, feeling his heart break a little more with each passing second. "I know. You always have."

Max and Charles had managed to make it back to the palace, but something was wrong. The entire palace was in chaos, with people running around frantically and shouting orders.

Max quickly ushered Charles towards a hidden entrance in the back of the palace, hoping to avoid detection. As they made their way through the halls, they came across a group of terrorists who had infiltrated the palace. The two men ducked behind a nearby column, trying to remain unnoticed.

"What do we do now?" Charles whispered, his eyes darting around nervously.

"My Prince, I need you to run," Max said, his voice firm but gentle. "Get out of here and find a place to hide. I'll take care of this."

Charles shook his head, his eyes wide with fear. "I don't want to leave you alone."

Max's heart went out to the prince, but he knew what was at stake. "Charles, please. You need to get to safety. I'll do everything in my power to keep you and the palace safe."

" Max, I am not leaving you alone. End of story." Charles softly screamed.

Max thought about picking Charles up and locking him somewhere in a room, but it was to late. They had been spotted.

A/N: Only one chapter to go.

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