2. Meeting Max

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The following morning, Prince Charles stood in the grand foyer of the palace, waiting anxiously for the arrival of his new bodyguard. He had spent a restless night, his mind racing with thoughts of the upcoming function and the added presence of a protector.

He didn't know much about the man except that he was supposed to be the best in the business. He wondered what kind of person he would be, whether he would be able to handle Charles' demanding schedule and stay out of the way while still doing his job effectively.

As Charles waited, he heard the sound of a car engine revving in the distance. Seconds later, a black SUV pulled up to the gate, its windows tinted so darkly that Charles couldn't see who was inside.

The driver stepped out of the SUV and walked over to Charles, introducing himself as Agent Verstappen. Charles looked him over, noting his sharp features and piercing blue eyes. He was dressed in a sharp suit that fit his muscled frame perfectly, and Charles couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy.

"Your Highness, I'm Agent Verstappen," he introduced himself. "I've been assigned to protect you during the function."

Charles studied the bodyguard, impressed by his professionalism. "Agent Verstappen, nice to meet you. Please, just make sure you don't get in my way."

Max nodded, his gaze steady. "Rest assured, sir. My role is to blend into the background and ensure your safety without causing any disruption. You won't even notice I'm there."

"So, you dont get into my way?" Charles said, trying to keep his tone neutral.

Max nodded. "No, sir. I'm here to make sure you stay safe. I won't get into your way."

Charles couldn't help but feel annoyed at the formality of it all. "I don't need to be babysat, Max. I just need someone to watch my back."

"Of course, sir. My job is to keep you safe at all times, no matter what," Max replied, his voice calm and reassuring.

Charles nodded, still feeling uneasy about the whole situation. The arrival of a bodyguard made him feel like a helpless child, unable to take care of himself.

"Very well. Let's get to work," Charles said, turning to lead the way inside.

As they walked through the palace corridors, Charles could feel Max's gaze on him, assessing his every move. He wondered what Max was thinking, whether he thought Charles was too much of a risk or whether he was simply doing his job.

As they entered Charles' office, Charles gestured for Max to take a seat. He poured two glasses of water, handing one to Max before taking a seat across from him.

"Let's get this over with, Max. What's the plan?"

Max cleared his throat and pulled out a file from his briefcase. "First, let me go over a few details with you, sir. I've studied your itinerary and identified any potential security risks. We'll need to take extra precautions at the function to ensure your safety."

Charles sighed, feeling frustrated. "I know all this, Max. Tell me something I don't know."

Max raised an eyebrow. "Very well, sir. I'll be staying in the room next to yours and will be on call 24/7. You'll be assigned a driver who has been thoroughly vetted, and all security staff will be briefed on the protocol. I'll be shadowing you as much as possible, but I'll try to stay out of sight unless it's necessary."

"Good. I don't want to be seen as weak," Charles said, feeling a small sense of relief. Max seemed competent enough, and Charles was glad to have someone watching his back.

Max nodded. "Understood, sir. And if anything goes wrong, I'll be there to handle it."

Charles felt a surge of gratitude. Despite his misgivings, he knew that he was lucky to have someone like Max on his side.

"Thanks, Max. I appreciate it."

Max nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "No problem, sir. It's what I'm here for."

As they finished their meeting, Charles couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The function was only a day away, and he was looking forward to showing the world what he was made of. With Max by his side, he knew that he was ready to tackle anything that came his way.

Later that evening, the King came to check on Charles and ask him about the new bodyguard. "What do you think of him, son?" the King asked as he took a seat across from Charles in the living room.

Charles shrugged. "He seems competent enough, I guess. But the whole thing is a bit ridiculous, isn't it? I can take care of myself."

The King sighed. "I know you can, Charles. But with everything going on right now, I think it's best to have some extra protection. Just in case."
"I know," Charles said, rolling his eyes. "But I don't need a babysitter."

The King laughed. "I don't think that's what Max is, Charles. He's a trained professional who's here to ensure your safety. And I trust his judgment."

Charles nodded, feeling a little better. He knew that his father meant well, but he was still a little resentful of having to rely on someone else. "I just hope he knows what he's doing,"

Charles muttered. "I'm sure he does," the King said, patting Charles on the knee. "Try to get some rest, son. Tomorrow's a big day."

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