7.The search

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King Hervé paced back and forth in his office. He could hardly contain his worry for his son, Prince Charles. He had received the news of the kidnapping just hours ago and couldn't shake the image of his son in the hands of ruthless people. How could he have let this happen?

Max,  stood nearby. He watched as the king's worry turned into a full-blown panic attack. "Your Majesty, please calm down," he said.

"How can I be calm when my son is out there, alone and in danger?" the king replied, his voice on the edge of hysteria.

Max took a deep breath. He knew that he needed to keep a level head if he was going to help rescue Prince Charles. "We have a plan," he said calmly. "Our team is already working on tracking down the kidnappers."

The king looked at Max, hope in his eyes. "Tell me everything."

"We found some evidence at the scene of the kidnapping," Max explained. "The kidnappers used a car to get away, and we managed to retrieve its license plate number. We're using that to trace the car and find out where they're holding Prince Charles."

The king nodded, his worry easing slightly. "And when you find him?"

"We have a team of specially trained soldiers ready to act on our instructions," Max said. "We'll go in quietly, without alerting the kidnappers, and extract Prince Charles safely."

The king let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Max. I can't thank you enough for everything you're doing."

Max nodded. "It's my duty, Your Majesty. We'll do everything in our power to bring Prince Charles back unharmed."

As soon as they finished their conversation, Max left the room to meet with his team. They had work to do.

"Alright everyone, we have a lead on the kidnappers," Max said as he entered the command center. "The license plate number we found belongs to a rental car in the nearby city. I want everyone to gear up and get ready to move out."

"As soon as we locate the car, we'll identify the location, and we'll work on developing a plan to get Prince Charles out safe," Max continued.

"Roger that," one of the team members replied. "We're ready to go, sir."

"Alright let's move out," Max said, as the team began to head out to the city.

After a while, the team was able to trace the car's location to an abandoned warehouse. They established a perimeter and began monitoring the area for any activity.

"Liam, any movement inside?" Max asked, speaking to a member of his team who was positioned nearby.

"Nothing yet, sir. But I'll keep an eye out," Liam replied.

"Good. Everyone, be on high alert," Max said, readying his weapon. "We don't know how many we're up against."

As they continued to watch and wait, Max and his team were tense. They knew that any mistake could be fatal, and they were determined to bring Prince Charles safely home.

"Sir, I've spotted a car leaving the warehouse," Liam said, his voice crackling over the radio.

"Did you get the license plate number?" Max asked.

"Affirmative, sir. We have it," Liam replied.

"That's the best lead we have," Max said. "Let's track that car and find out where it leads us."

They followed the car, keeping a safe distance. Finally, the car pulled into a remote building on the outskirts of the city. Max watched through his binoculars, trying to assess the situation.

"Alright, this is it," Max said. "We know where they're holding Prince Charles. Now let's get him out of there."

Max turned to his team. "We need to move now," he said. "Get ready."

His team got into position, weapons at the ready.

Max took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come.

Finally, their chance came.

The kidnappers had let their guard down, and the team was able to make their move. Moving quickly, they entered the building, their guns at the ready.

The rescue mission had begun.

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