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Hey everyone,

Quick heads up about the upcoming chapter: it's going to be a bit longer than usual. Originally, I planned to cram all these flashbacks and storyline changes into one chapter, but as I kept writing, it turned into a behemoth of over 18,000 words! 😅

So, I've decided to split it into two parts to make it more manageable for you all. There's a lot of ground to cover, including revisiting some cringy moments from earlier chapters (yep, we're going there), but also adding in some new twists and turns that I'm really excited about. 📚✂️

And let's be real—some of those earlier chapters are cringier than a dad joke at a family reunion. 🙈 But hey, we're all friends here, right? So, let's embrace the cringe together and dive into this wild ride.

And hey, I want to take a moment to acknowledge something: I know I'm not the best writer out there, and this story might not be a literary masterpiece. But darn it, I'm committed to seeing it through to the end, even if it makes me want to curl up and disappear.🤷‍♂️

Thanks for bearing with me as I navigate through these changes. Your patience and support mean the world to me!

Stay awesome,


"Nee-san," Y/N chimed, her small hands reaching out to grasp her older sibling's.

The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the peaceful village hidden in the leaves. Y/N and Katsumi strolled hand in hand along a winding path, their laughter echoing through the tranquil surroundings. Y/N, her cheeks rosy with excitement, skipped along beside her older sister, her small legs struggling to keep pace.

Katsumi, in her own reserved way, managed a smile. "Let me carry you, Y/N," she offered gently, her gaze catching the scrapes on Y/N's knee. "You've hurt yourself."

Y/N pouted slightly, attempting to brush off her injury with a nonchalant wave of her hand. "It's nothing, nee-san. I'm tough, just like you!" she declared, puffing out her chest proudly.

Katsumi's eyes softened as she looked at her younger sister. Y/N's determination was evident even at such a tender age. 

Katsumi's heart melted at her sister's stubborn determination to appear strong. She reached out to gently touch Y/N's cheek, her gaze softening with affection. "You may be tough, little sis, but even the strongest shinobi need a helping hand sometimes," she said tenderly.

With a playful grin, Katsumi scooped up Y/N into her arms, effortlessly lifting her off the ground. Y/N squealed with delight, her laughter filling the air as she wrapped her arms around her sister's neck.

"Nee-san, you don't have to carry me!" Y/N protested, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I'm not a baby!"

 "I'm not a baby!"

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