26 - Auditions

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One of the electives that Matt decided to take this semester was drama. 

He needed the credit and thought it might be fun to try something new.

"I can't believe you convinced me to take Drama," Jake said, dreading the class.

"I didn't convince you," Matt reminded him, "you took it because I was taking it."

"I still can't believe I'm taking this class," Jake said.

"You had the chance to switch electives during the first week of classes," Matt said.

Jack groaned. 

"I should've switched," Jack admitted.

They walked into the drama class and grabbed chairs to sit in a circle.

Matt scratched the side of his face, the side that has his scar.

Over time, his classmates and friends have gotten used to his scars. It doesn't really startle them like it did anymore. No one stared. 

Matt no longer felt self-conscious whenever he walked into the school. It was only when he was outside of school or the house that he began feeling self-conscious.

Everyone took their seats when the class began.

Their teacher, Mrs. Chase joined them in the circle.

"Hello, class," she said, cheerfully. "Today, we're going to start class with an activity. Improv!"

Some groaned at the mention of improv and a few perked up with interest.

Jack was one of the students who groaned at the mention of improv.

Mrs. Chase explained the instructions which were, that she'd call out a topic then two names, and whoever she called would have to come up with something on the spot.

The class went on and before Matt knew it, class was over.

"Today's class was fun," Matt said with a smile on his face.

"You and I have different definitions of fun," Jack said, grumpily, as everyone put their chairs away.

"Before I forget class," Mrs. Chase said over the noise, "I'm holding audtions for the school play, High School Musical. The signup sheets are pinned up on the activities bulletin board outside of the office. If you're interested in auditioning, feel free to sign up. Auditions are after school on Friday. Also, if you're interested in helping out with the play, you can sign up as well!"

Judging  from the look on Matt's face, Jack knew what he was going to do.

"You're not going to audition, are you?"

All the confidnece that Matt had disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

He remembered what he look like. There will be a bunch of people who would stare at him and rather than focus on what's going on stage, they will be focusing on his scars.

"Oh, no," Jack realized what he'd done, "if you want to audition, do it! I'll sign up to help with the play!"

"I don't know anymore," Matt said. 

Jack spotted the basketball team.

"Hey, guys!" Jack called.

Matt sat down on a bench in the middle of the hallway.

"What's up, Jack?"

"What's going on, guys?"

"You okay, Matt?"

"Everything okay?"

"Guys, Matt wants to audition for the school play," Jack said, "but he's having doubts."

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