30 - Werewolves

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After some time of getting to know Mason, Matt started to get a weird feeling from him. He did not like his vibe. 

He would randomly disappear right when the moon was about to appear in the night sky.

Sure, he's a werewolf, but... are there werewolves that turn every night?

Matt made sure to take note of Mason's behavior.

Matt also began to wonder... what if... what if he followed Mason when he transformed? Maybe he could ask Mason to see and take notes.

No. No. 

He's not going to do that. He didn't want to make Mason feel like he was some science experiment.

Matt knew he wouldn't want someone to watch him when he transformed.

Meeting Mason and finding out that he was a werewolf too, Matt became curious. He was curious to know of all the other werewolf packs.

There was this one werewolf that Justin dated a while ago. There's Mason. And there's him. Matt.

How different was each one of them?

Mason had his family? Justin's ex-girlfriend had... well... he didn't know who she had, but she probably had someone.

Matt... he had no one. He didn't know any werewolf that was like him. No one around him would turn into a werewolf against his will.

It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair that he had to suffer the consequences of his parents' mistakes.

Harrison explained everything to him. He explained what happened and what led to the werewolf to attack Matt.

He didn't want Harrison to get attacked and become a werewolf. He didn't want anyone to go through what he was going through, but it wasn't fair.

Why did he have to go through this?

Why him? Why his family?

Matt was making lunch for himself and Rose when Alex came cover.

"Matt!" Alex whined. 

"Yes, Alex?"

"Have you noticed that Mason has been acting weird?" Alex asked.

"Yes, I have," Matt admitted.


"I have no idea," Matt said.

Matt couldn't tell Alex the truth. He couldn't tell Mason that Alex was a wizard and he couldn't tell... well, he could tell Alex Mason was a wizard but he promised. Plus, even if he hadn't, he wouldn't say anything.

He also had no idea that Mason always disappeared at night. 

He thought maybe it was because he would turn into a werewolf every night, but... he could be wrong. He might have a curfew.

It was weird he'd disappear without explanation.

"Is he... you know, normal?" Alex asked. "You can sniff his scent, right?"

"Yeah, he's fine," Matt said. "There's nothing wrong with him."

Matt wasn't lying. At least, he didn't think he was.

Mason was a werewolf, but there's nothing weird about that.

Alex dated Matt and they were together after he got turned into one. Sure, he broke up with her, but she accepted him after finding out that he was one.

She'd accept Mason for who he was, right?

"Mason just left me in the middle of our date," Alex said. "He never stays later. As soon as it starts getting dark, he bolts."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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