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(That's River yallllllllll 😍)

Emersyn Jackson
August 8th, Thursday
PlayTime Magazine

"You are late." He glared.

"Hello Sir, we are so apologetic about our tardiness. We were checking in at the front desk and lost tra—" He cut Evalar off with his hand waving off our excuses.

"No need for excuses Ms. Evalar Jackson, we take accountability here at PlayTime magazine." He walked away and we had no choice but to follow him. "If I decide to let you guys join our team we all take care of our responsibilities, I take attendance very seriously and if you can't be on time then you don't belong here." His eyes lingered in Evalar direction as she tried to sneakily roll her eyes.

I held my breathe as the air became tense between the three of us. I could tell my sister was irritated but I couldn't let her attitude cost us a possible job.

"Mr. Sandonez, I sincerely apologize we wasted your time earlier. We came here so you can understand why you need us at your company. Evalar has a few ideas for your article sections and I am your dream fashion designer. I've got charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent."

"I look forward to seeing that. Let's get to it ladies," he lead us into his office and offered us seats. "So show me your design portfolio." Suddenly all the cunt power I just had, was gone.

What if he didn't like my designs?

He could think I was a baby in the industry and not even take me serious.

I had no actual work experience with anyone worth knowing.

To top it off I was late today.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

I shuffled through my bag and pulled out my portfolio, years of dedication and most of my best designs. Some designs mean more than money, they become an extension of me from that time in my life.

He flips through the the pages with an unreadable expression. Minutes go by with him flipping as I  stare at Evalor with wide eyes. She shrugs at me with a smile showing all her teeth.

Evalar's POV

He grabbed the phone, "Get me Grady." So demanding, I bet he can't go a day in his life without bossing somebody around, just thinking about it erks me.

Like who's hands are that large, the things he could do with those hands. On me, in me, everywhere. Ooh yum—wait, no Evalar.

"—Dead ass thank you Mr. Sandonez! I will remind you every single day why this wasn't a bad idea." Emersyn cheered as she hopped out of her seat and walked towards the door as someone was knocking.

Guess I missed the" Congratulations you got the job" chat.

The door opened and a light skinned dude, looked to be of Korean decent but don't get me lying chile. He had a New Orleans accent and I know my sister go crazy for an accent. Nigga had tattoos all on his face and shit, that just wasn't attractive if you asked me. Considering the look in Emersyn's eye she was definitely checking this dude out.

Not this little bitch got the job and a fine ass nigga in her face already.

I couldn't even say goodbye before Mr. Sandonez drawls my attention with a grunt, making me shift in my seat. His eyes trailed my appearance, gaze shooting a spark up my spine. I straighten up and return my attention to him.

"I have a proposition for you." He states, standing up and walking to the window looking at the city.

What the fuck?

I walk to the window looking out, it really is beautiful; the crowded jungle where we live out our most craziest dreams. It's a fantasy being up here.

I glance over through my eyelashes, only to find his eyes already on me. "Yes, Sir?"

"Mr. Sandonez is fine, for now. I understand that you have passions that go beyond what I am about to ask you." He turns his body to me his eyes harden. "I don't have a position for you as a writer at the moment." I rolled my eyes, a waste of fucking time. "However I am in need of a personal assistant. You are in need of a job and I can't imagine you declining my offer." He said sternly. Fuck was he always this tense?

First of all, I don't NEED a damn thing from this man. "Let me stop you right there Mr. Sandonez don't mistake yourself in thinking I need to be here." Bitch shut up, you do need to be here. Can't depend on Emersyn to pay bills that bitch will buy rolls and rolls of fabric before she even opens our phone bill. "Because I don't—"

"Your mouth says that, but your eyes are telling an entire different story. You wanna take my offer," he eyes me suspiciously, " so what's the hold up, hmm?"

Maybe because I don't want to see your face every goddamn day.

Or how about the way you talk to me. Like I'm just suppose to listen and answer at your beck and call, I am not a bitch.

Not your bitch and not the type of bitch that takes that demanding shit too lightly.

"So you just assume I'm gonna take the job that I am over qualified for, not only do I have my bachelor's degree in English, communications, as well as journalism but you want me to waltz around this building memorizing your coffee order? I respectfully decline." Who does he think he is trying to boss up on me like yeah you could have been my boss but you fucked it up! Why would I ever work for a prick like him?!

Mr. Sandonez let out a relaxing sigh as he sat there emotionless as fuck. "Are you done now sweetheart?" He teased. "As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me, you would be getting paid more with less manual labor. It's not just about remembering my coffee order, you sit in on board conversations with me, travel with me and attend events that insures your presence. You will be learning and working your way up to the position you wish to have. Is that clear enough for you Miss Jackson?" Why every time he talk he just gotta speak at me. Just shut up Evalar he is about to be your boss.

"Well you could have just started with that." I rolled my eyes discreetly and fixed my shirt, this man got me all wet and sweaty. I push my lips together to keep them glossy as I finally avert my attention to 'Mr. Sandonez'.

"You will start tomorrow, your tardiness will not be tolerated come tomorrow morning. Understand?" Ugh he gets under my skin, like duhh nigga it's my first day.

"Yes I understand." He typed on his computer for a moment before the printer across the room starts beeping. He strode over to the printer, the cockiness oozes out of him.

"This is your schedule for the next few weeks, there will be no training days. As long as you listen to what I say, your job should be pretty easy." He handed me the small stack of papers. "There are a few guidelines here as to what your job entails and a bit of direction. Make sure you read this before the morning and I will know if you haven't." He stares with a stern expression like he my damn daddy.

It takes everything in me not to snatch the papers out his hand, "I'll be here bright and early, prepared by the short novel you've just handed me." I said smartly, I'd been biting my tongue all morning with this dude. Nobody talks to me like this, I simply don't allow it!

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