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Emersyn's POV

"So um, dis where we have our meetings at it'll decide which designs they fuck with or not. They call it the 'decision room'." Nash's voice bounced off the walls as I took it all in.

Wood colored marble covered the walls, the dark and light accent colors balanced the room together. There was a long white table in the middle of the room with hanging lights lighting up the dim lit room. The chandelier created a spot light on the table. I stepped into the room where soon my designs will finally see the light of day. The green plants placed meticulously in their spots.

They look like they belong here more than me.

"Aye sweetheart," he called out since I've been distracted by the scenery in front of me. I scrunched my brows turning to correct him. "Woah my bad ma, don't do ya face like that. I ain't mean nothing by it." He held his hand up in surrender.

"Yeah I wasn't sure who you were talking to." I said playfully. "Sike it's not that deep, I'm good. But for future references my name is Emersyn, Mr. Grady." He cracked a smile while shaking my hand. He showed me around the entire floor every place I would need to be. I even had my own desk hoe, don't ask your girl how she made it just know she has fucking arrived.

We carried a casual conversation as we arrive at a door. He told me that he was the photographer and we'd be working closely together most days.

"Where y' at?" He asked while opening the door and welcoming me in. "Ladies first." I frowned feeling confused, am I not right here with him?

"What are you talking about? I'm right here." I jerked my head to the side.

"Oh shit," he cackled. " what I said was, where y'at, like how ya feeling?" I nodded my head.

I could get use to that accent.

"I'm the best I've been in a while, thanks. So Nash where you from, cause I sense a small language barrier."

"Uh I'm from Nola, born and raised." He licked his lips.

"Mmhm, a Nola boy, I can tell you were raised with manners and respect." I walked into his office that was filled with photos. Cameras lied around, I could only decipher the Polaroid and Canon lenses.

"You already kno my momma n'em raised me awrite, witout a doubt. So River told me to just take you with me to my next photo shoot so we can learn to work togetha."

Sitting in front of THE Nash Grady has got to be so ironic considering I was a few clicks away from setting up an appointment only days ago.

"Your work is really fucking great, I hear so many positive reports about you. You don't leave your customers unsatisfied, that's for sure." I complimented his work.

"I 'preciate ya lil mama. You ain't half bad either. You bout to kill it here, I been waiting for someone like you to come in and bring that same passion I do. I can tell just how you present yourself, you don't half ass nothing."

"Well I am glad to be here, with the company, with black peopl— oh shit I am so sorry, I don't mean to make you offend you. It's just it's hard to find a black owned magazine with 90% African American staff." Word vomit, she's a sick bitch.

Nash's laughter roared to life moments after my embarrassing monologue. I tilt my gaze to him, he's not mad or uncomfortable so that's a good sign.

"Sweetheart you ain't the only one apart of the 90%," he smirked giving me all the answers I needed.

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