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Evalar's POV
The same day
PlayTime Magazine

"If you don't shut the hell up I will call your little boyfriend and tell him you run hoes out of this front desk like it's a hoe house!" I teased telling a massive lie.

"Oi, you dodgy bird! That's what you do after I offer to take you out for drinks?" Zion said, but I don't care because he just said my pants caught a ketchup sandwich, gave me an entire heart attack. One fucked up day in middle school is enough for me to never want to think of another menstrual accident.

"What a mug." I mocked his accent, "But we are totally on for drinks today," A night out —with my sister, our new friend and lots of alcohol—is imperative for the week I've had. "I'd never turn down free drinks." I shrugged.

"Free, babes, what do I look like? An ATM machine?" He exclaimed. "I'll get the first round then it's on you and then my favorite twin." I let Zion talk his little shit, while searching through all the notes I've recently taken while sitting in on board meetings.

I can't lie, the job is a lot better than I expected. I get to be in the rooms with the most important people and when I pitch my article to a willing ear, my life will truly start.

While Emersyn is a five star fashion designer, I feel more comfortable in a room with my notebooks and laptop ready to jot down any golden ideas that come along. I always have a journal in my bag, my momma taught me to write down my feelings; it gives me clarity on my goals, peace of mind, and helps me recognize and process my emotions.

Trust me you don't want to be around me when I'm cranky, journaling keeps me sane no matter how childish it sounds. I do it to make myself a priority.

I get so caught up taking care of the people around me. My sister. My mother. My new Boss. It's important for me to continue what works with helping me keep it all together.

I pull out the notes that I starred, placing them in a folder I plan to give Mr. Sandonez. He told me to pay attention to important facts so that's what I did the past 3 days, 10 meetings.

"Alright little 'Legend', I'll be seeing you tonight!" I called him by his boyfriend's name. When it comes to Zion and his relationship, he's a total simp. The boy will not shut up about: "My man, this, my man that. I wonder what bae doing, i bloody miss him! Evalarrrrr, look at himmmmm he's a bit of me innit? He's a proper lad. You should see his choppa."

I wave my hand and run to catch the next elevator before it goes up.

The things I do to be on time..

"Can you hold the elevator?" I shouted, I reach the doors just as it closes and see a woman sending a glare my way as the door closes. "Bitch." I mumbled, racking my brain trying to figure out who that woman was.

I made the second trip on the elevator, no clue how I made it on time but the lord is on my side today! Once I returned from my 30 minute break I got to work. Mr. Sandonez wants me to arrange his schedule for the business trip he's taking this weekend. He assured me that my presence 'wasn't needed'. Instead he wants me to file all the paperwork and get it faxed to LA. Who in the fuck fax's anything these days?

I sat at the desk not to far from His office. My mind immediately wired into my work. Hours and hours of staring at the screen making sure I map out his trip perfectly with no hick ups. I grab my phone from my purse as I feel it vibrating, Mr. Sandonez is in a meeting right now for another five minutes, I peek around anyway making sure he's not on his way down the hall or off the elevator.

"Hellooooo, what can I do for you sis?" I answered the phone call more chirpy than intended. Almost like that whole ordeal at the elevator never happened.

Can't let bitches shake you, as soon as they see you shake, then you crumble.

"Hey.." I look at my phone in confusion while gathering my belongings.

"Heyy pooh what's the matter?" My concern took over my need to finalize the schedule I was working on. This job is important but my sisters mental health will always come before anything. Emersyn sighed on the other line. "Talk to me pooh."

"Nothing is wrong... I just—I don't know Evalar, I'm probably being dramatic," she complained. "You know when you get a feeling that a guy is just-" Emersyn trailed off.

"Mind fucking you," I responded knowingly simply because I know my sister. When she likes a guy she goes for it immediately cause bitch if you snooze you lose. But for whatever reason she's taking it slow with this nigga and I can only assume it's because of him. Who wouldn't want my twin? The taking it slow method is just a cop out for being noncommittal, like we are all grown and know what we want. I don't know Nash that well but he's not doing what he's suppose to be doing. We've been here for almost a week and he still hasn't asked her on a date.

"YES! Ohmygosh, why does he call me all the time if all he wants is to be friends? Then how am I supposed to respond when he starts flirting with me?" I slowed my pace trying to calm my sister down. Even though I agree with her there is no need to go down a rabbit hole about what you think or want a nigga to do, cause they'll use you for what they want then leave.

"So what happened when you did the job with him?" I questioned and she quickly ran down all the details. "What the fuck— he took you to see a bitch, and she ended up taking her clothes off, but she told you you could have him, and they got history?" I take in all this new information taking a seat back at my desk. "Well he's clearly stupid if he took his new boo to see an old fling. Regardless of why he did it Emersyn you can't focus your energy at being upset or mad, fuck him, okay? But I gotta be honest sissss you seem a little jealous, when are you gonna stop lying and admit you like dude."

"Girrrrrrrrrl. I do not like that boy." My smile spread as the laughter took over.

"Yeah okayyyy, I gotta go hoe. I see you at home tonight." Luckily for my sister she wasn't on the schedule today. I, however never had a lucky bone in my body.

I zoned in on my work after I hung up and I heard the click of heels coming to my direction not long after. Without looking up I say, "Mr. Sandonez is in a meeting at the moment, he should be back in the next 10 minutes."

"Oh I'm not here for Mr. Sandonez, I am here with news from Mr. Grayson." I look up and see that bitch from the elevator.

" I look up and see that bitch from the elevator

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Great. Send the evil fucking witch to deliver the message.

"Congratulations," she said sourly, face unreadable but her body language showed just how angry she was. "You've been promoted to being Mr. Grayson's assistant." I smiled trying to keep it cute.

"Well thank you for coming all this way—" I started and the confusion developed as she interrupted me.

"Don't thank me, you don't deserve this. You walk in here and in one week you're already taking peoples jobs." She seethed in front of me.

"Aww don't hate boo," I scrunched my face playfully. "Jealousy doesn't look good on you. You've made your announcement, now run along." I responded with very little care.

"Yeah enjoy it while you can, floozy." She struts off with her ugly ass boots and I continue my work dead ass confused. Not only do I work for the COO of the company but now the CEO wants me working for him as well, and I can't imagine why.

Did the bitch just call me a floozy?  I don't even know the girl but she's clearly butt hurt over something that doesn't concern her. When it comes to me you should just mind your business boo.

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