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Nash's clients home

Nash forgot to remind her that this was a personal client. They didn't need the whole set up that came with playtime magazine. Instead he introduced Emersyn to his client Jela.

Jela was a childhood friend of his who happen to be a model, she considered Nash her personal photographer since she's known him for years, anytime she called for a favor he wouldn't disappoint, the answer was always yes to Jela. Her career is where it is now because of him, she was genuinely grateful for his platonic friendship.

Emersyn didn't care what kind of work he had to do, she was grateful to get the opportunity to work with Jela Warren, one of her fashionista idols. Sure she just wears the clothes but damn she wears everything she puts on, to perfection.

The shoot was starting off on the right foot, Jela looked amazing in the outfit she picked out. But she wasn't ready for the surprise Nash had in store for her.

"Nash don't lieeee. You know I hate this side of my face," she complained, turning the other way. "Whatchu think Emersyn?" She glanced at the fashion designer with her lip poked out. Nash smiled shaking his head, no matter how many times he told her she was attractive, she'd never listen. Some insecurities really fuck you up for life, but people like Jela don't go down easy and definitely not without a fight.

"Girl you look amazing, stop it." Emersyn took the camera from Nash's hand to look through the photos while showing Jela.

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