22 1 1

August 12th, Saturday
Manhattan's Studio Apartment

Wind whipped through the city, waking the trees and the people of New York. The chill traveled coming in contact with Emersyn, goosebumps raised causing the younger sister to shiver.

"If you actually work out with me you wouldn't be so cold." Evalar was on her second rep of curl ups, number 23– almost at her goal 25.

"Nobody wants to do a 100 crunches this early in the damn morning, you lucky I'm out here," Emersyn stated while setting her phone up infront of them. "Smile!"


Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Evalar had decided that a workout on their balcony this morning would help make their day more productive

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Evalar had decided that a workout on their balcony this morning would help make their day more productive. "Leave it up to you to make a work out session a damn photo shoot. You been hanging out with ya man too much, all of a sudden hoes is photographers." Evalar teased her baby sister as she continues her brutal assault on her abdomen. William Penn said; no pain, no palm, no thorns, no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown. The pain We feel today will be the strength We feel tomorrow. We only get stronger and some may think that's based on living a simple easy life— you couldn't be more wrong, you can only be brave when you've seen the worst and felt the worse pains life can offer you. The twins have seen pain, more pain then young women at the age of 22 should be emerged in. But life brings you love and happiness, it can also bring chaos and death. The girls don't often talk about the loss of their big brother, Remy. Or their father Eddie, they can hardly remember their dad, in place of his love is silence and abandonment. Remy's story is a bit different; he was a basketball star in middle school all through high school. He had a life many wanted, girls, money, and a good family who cared. But his life wasn't enough for him. He got caught up in the wrong crowd and his life turned to shit, he's gone now.

"Bitch he's not my man. Stop saying that," Emersyn exclaimed angrily, snapping her sister out of her thoughts, "we just work together plus he's a cool ass nigga, simple shit. We never get to have male friends." Her big sister glanced at her.

"Yeah cause we end up fucking them," Evalar said shrugging. "So you wanna sit here and tell me that you don't like that boy with a straight face, huh?"

Emersyn chuckled. "We?" The twins turns to face one another, Emersyn's face unreadable. "No I don't have feelings for Nash, my co-worker. I just enjoy working with him that's it and that's alllllll." As the lies leave her mouth her phone begins to vibrate in front of them.

Nola boy is calling...

Evalar snatched Emersyn's phone off the ground "Umm, you were saying? We just coworkers, that's it and that all!" Evalar mocked her sister.

"Gimmie my phone Chanel, you play too much." She used her sisters middle name everytime she was serious but that didn't faze Evalar. The girls fought over the cellular until Emersyn snatched it away from her sister, hitting the accept button. "Wassup Nola boy," she grabbed her shoes off the deck and flipped her sister off while opening the sliding door.

The mini home had an influx of heat due to Emersyn swearing she was anemic. When in all reality she just needed to put some clothes on.

"Was good lil mama? You kno I been textin ya little ass all mornin?" Nash grumbled through the speaker, small irritation was clearly clouding his judgement.

"No I was working out with my twin, what did you say?" Emersyn asked as she looked through the messages.

From Nola boy;
Sent 45 minutes ago
Aye where y'at
Sent 15 minutes ago
You finna come with me to dis photo shoot?
Sent 2 minutes ago
I know you always on dat damn phone smh you petty

"Boyyyyy you so dramatic, I'll go with you I just wasn't aware of this photo shoot."

"Now you cap, I sent you the email a day ago nigga. Just be real you was up smoking that wadarr, that hay hay." The girl laughed at her goofy friend— they'd become good friends after her first day. They just kinda clicked. They both love clothes and and taking photos, true Emersyn loves being in front of the camera unlike Nash who'd most likely prefer to be behind one.

Nash face held a permanent smile. Knowing damn well she was high off her ass with that weed he gave her two days ago.

He carried the conversation a little longer until she told him to get off the phone so she could get ready.
Nash smiled at the phone as he took it away from his ear. He was fully dressed and ready to go only thing he was missing was his partner. He reminisced over the week he had, the duo meshed pretty well together which meant big things for PlayTime Magazine. Nash loves his job, he enjoys making people see the beauty in themselves, but he can't decline the fact that he likes his job a lot more since Emersyn started working with him.

Message from Lil Lady E...

He smiled remembering her asking for his number, he had grabbed her phone and took the liberty save it under Nola boy since that's what she always called him. She then grabbed his phone out his front pocket and turned it to face Nash to unlock it. He hadn't seen until later what she'd saved her name as and he automatically recalled him calling her lil lady on her first day.

Fuck, he thought. Why is he sitting here reminiscing about a chick he only knew for 4 days.

From Lil Lady E;
Sent a minute ago
📍Pin to my location
I'm readyyyyy

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