Chapter 7

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Raheem Doctors

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Raheem Doctors

Walking to the locker room Amp walked up on me.

"So you hit my sister?" He asked me

"Man that's what she told you when you clearly see my shit split and she walking around here looking normal?" I asked him making him back up with my forearm.

"Nigga she got fucking fingerprints around her neck!" He yelled.

"Yeah, y'all needa teach her to keep her mothafuckin' hands to herself." I told him grabbing my duffel bag hitting the back door.

Arriving at my car I noticed Alana

"Bruh move before I break your shit!" I told her balling up my fist not giving a damn about a scene.

"You a real bitch for that nigga! You sitting up here fucking on me, talking about how you want me back but couldn't tell me about a kid?" She asked.

"I fucking did and we were separated Alana, so if I wanna fuck some bitch and get her pregnant, ima do it!" I shoulder bumped her talking out of anger just to have a reason to hit her in the mouth.

"So why come to my house stirring shit up then Raheem?" She asked.

"You came to my residence with gifts and all that extra shit that I didn't ask for!" She screamed attempting to swing.

"Alana if you hit me ima beat yo ass out here and I'm not playing!" I got in her face.

Ignoring everything I said she slapped me and we instantly started fighting. Opening my back door we fell in while she continued to fight me.

Alana wasn't an average woman, this bitch could fight like a man so I made sure I treated her like one everytime she put her hands on me.

Punching her in the mouth she slid across the seat into the door and begin to kick holding her stomach.

"Stop!" She cried holding her bloody nose.

"Man get the fuck out my shit, I told you bout aggressive shit for nothing!"

"That shits unlady like as fuck!" I screamed.

"I promise you that you can never have access to me anymore and that's on my dead mom!" She put her finger in my face dropping a tear.

"So why you out here then?" I asked watching her cry.

Alana was the only woman that I grew soft for and I hated that shit.

Even when I know she's dead wrong I still blame myself and that's part of the reason I cheated. She ain't think about me enough to see that she was the problem!

"What you crying for Alana?" I reached for her but she slapped my hand.

"You get a kick out of playing with my heart and then when I leave your ass you always come back making me angry! You turn me into someone that I'm not !" She screamed

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