Chapter 18

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Raheem Doctors

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Raheem Doctors

The fact that Teresa most likely had something to do with my baby being hurt weighed on me heavy.

In all my years of living love ain't ever hit me as hard as it has while being with Alana.

A nigga take everything personal that comes from her or that happens to her and this situation right here was definitely about to get some motherfuckers killed.

Getting two towels out of the cabinet I placed them under her body running hot water in the bucket.

"Sir you know we can give her a bed bath right?" The nurse asked.

"Not like I will, she's okay I got it." I told the nurse knowing that they wouldn't do her like I would.

Walking over to her I stripped her body before cleaning her profusely.

I felt so bad that this happened to her but I still was upset about the Jay situation because Alana was pregnant .

So now that brings me to the conclusion that the baby was most likely his and she aborted it.

Grabbing a clean towel and some sheets, I dried her off and replaced them before putting her on another hospital gown.

Going back over to her bag I grabbed her lotion and Vaseline. Alana was extra and very specific when it came down to the things used for her hygiene.

Squirting the lotion in my hand I rubbed it in her soft legs going all the way up her thighs.

After I finished there I did her arms, and neck, and then I sat her up and rubbed it in her back and over her ass cheeks.

"Mama you been out of surgery for about three months now, why you ain't up talking to me?" I asked her before putting some Vaseline on my fingers rubbing it under her eyes.

"Dime got the twins, you should've seen how happy she was to get them and stay in the house while we was gone." I told her.

"I know you would've picked Midnight, but something about a man being around my two daughters who can't talk or tell me if something's going on, don't sit right with me." I told her honestly.

Grabbing her brush I brushed her hair up and put it in the little messy bun that she did often at home.

"Hi, um visiting hours are over and unless you are her children or her spouse legally then you can't be here." The charge nurse attempted to tell me.

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