Chapter 2.

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Once back on the road, the journey to Vegas continued.

Doug back in the drivers seat—much to Phil's dismay as he was adamant about wanting to drive—, Stu watching the scenery of the desert go by, Alan reading a book called 'The Worlds Greatest Blackjack Book', and Brooklyn cuddled up with Phil again, his arms wrapped around her as he rested his head on top of hers.

They were both nearly falling asleep on each other before Alan spoke up.

"It says here we should work in teams," he said, referring to his book. "Brooklyn, wanna be my spotter?"

"I'm good," she immediately answered, turning her face more into Phil's neck.

"C'mon, it'll be fun. You dress up sexy and your body will win us a bunch of money," Alan said, intending his response to be a compliment meanwhile Brooklyn was more disgusted as the other three looked at him weirdly.

"Hey, man, don't say shit like that about her," Phil growled, protectively tightening his grip around her while she reached up and smacked the back of Alan's head.

"Yeah, that's not how you should look at my sister, dude," Doug said with a tone of annoyance at his almost wife's brother.

"Alright, sorry," he apologized.

"Asshole," Phil muttered to himself, still holding onto Brooklyn tightly as if he was scared to lose her in a large crowd.

"I don't think you should be doing too much gambling tonight anyway, Alan," Doug said, bringing the conversation back to Blackjack as he glanced to his right.

"Gambling? Who said anything about gambling? It's not gambling when you know you're gonna win," Alan stated as if he was speaking from experience. "Counting cards is a foolproof system."

That brought Brooklyn to jolt her head up and stare holes in the back of Alan's head.

"It's also illegal," Stu claimed.

"It's not illegal, it's frowned upon, like masturbating on an airplane," Alan said way too casually. Christ, this guy is weird.

"I'm pretty sure that's illegal too," Phil spoke up, glancing between everyone in the car.

"Yeah, maybe after 9/11, where everybody got so sensitive," Alan said, shrugging his shoulders at one of the most horrible moments in American history like it wasn't a big deal. "Thanks a lot, Bin Laden."

Brooklyn glanced at Phil before leaning closer to him. "Should I ask if he knows anything about 9/11?"

Phil immediately shook his head. "I wouldn't bother," he whispered back, lifting one of his hands and brushing a hair away from her eyes, bringing her to hold her breath.

Meanwhile, Doug broke the awkward silence. "Either way, you gotta be super smart to count cards, buddy. Okay? It's not easy," he said to Alan.

"Oh really? Okay, well maybe we should tell that to Rain Man 'cause he practically bankrupted a casino, and he was a re-tard," Alan said back, to which everyone looked at him due to his strange pronunciation.


"He was a re-tard," Alan said again, while Doug corrected him.


The drive was coming to a close as the group of 5 drove over one final hill and saw the lights of Vegas on the other side of it.

Brooklyn couldn't help but smile. She had a feeling this was going to be one of the best nights of both hers and her friends lives.

She wanted to enjoy it, and who better to party with in Vegas than her three best friends, one of which being her brother.

Alan, however? With the way he was talking about her right in front of her older brother and best friend who was secretly very in love with her, and how he thought it was a good idea to mention counting cards in front of a cop, the odds of him being considered her friend was very low.

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