Chapter 16.

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Quickly piling back into the car, the 5 sped back down the road back into Vegas. Stu driving, Phil in the passenger seat, Brooklyn, Alan and the other Doug in the back seat, Brooklyn leaning forward to listen to Phil and Stu.

"How do you know where Doug is?" Brooklyn asked, leaning on her forearms that were propped on the back of the front seat.

"I don't know, it just hit me," Stu answered, his eyes remaining on the road. "You remember when we saw Doug's mattress impaled on that statue?"

"Yeah, because we threw it out the window," Phil recalled.

"No, impossible! You can't open windows in Vegas hotels!" Stu said, which then reminded Brooklyn of a piece of info she read about in the academy as a 'not-so fun fact'.

You can't open Vegas hotel windows because that's how people can end their lives. The scenario was that you just spent your life savings to try and win more money but ended up losing all of it, which screwed your life and finances over, so, hypothetically, you try to end your life by jumping out of a window.

Can't do that in Vegas hotels.

"Well then how did—, Oh my god!" Phil began to ask, but then also realizing what was going on.

"God damn it! Stu, you're brilliant!" Brooklyn shouted excitedly, shaking Stu's shoulder.

"Wait, what's going on?" Alan asked from the backseat, confused.

"Doug was trying to signal someone," Stu explained.

"Holy shit!" Phil chuckled. "Wait, how did you figure that out?" He then asked.

"Doug made me realize it."


"Uh, not our Doug. Black Doug," Stu answered, jolting his thumb back at the other Doug.

"Hey, hey. Easy with that shit, come on," the other Doug said, slightly offended.


"Okay, can someone tell me where white Doug is?" Alan asked, still confused.

"He's on the roof, Alan!" Phil answered, his smile still wide.

"We must have taken him up there on his mattress as a prank so he'd wake up on the roof!" Stu continued, the whole situation making more sense as he continued driving.

"It's like that time in summer camp. Remember? We moved his sleeping bag out in the jetty at the lake after we snuck Brooks in to hang out with us?" Phil asked, reminiscing about the childhood memory, making Stu and Brooklyn laugh.

Brooklyn could remember that day like the back of her hand.

She and the boys were spending a few weeks of the summer in a split boys/girls summer camp, aging between the ages of 11-16 when they were 13.

Before the campers went to bed one night, Phil, Stu and Doug pulled Brooklyn aside as they were leaving the dining hall after eating dinner and told her to sneak out of her room in her cabin and to meet them outside their cabin where they would be waiting to sneak her into their room.

The boys cabins were separated from the girls cabins, obviously so no funny business ensued in the middle of the night.

So once she got to the boys cabin door, Phil was waiting on the porch, wedged between  door so they didn't get locked out. He then took her back to their room where Doug and Stu still were, Doug having fallen asleep before they got back.

Which gave them the bright idea to take his sleeping body in his sleeping bag and put him on the jetty and push him out into the lake.

"Which was hilarious. It's not so funny now, though, 'cause we forgot where we put him," Stu continued, slightly less enthusiastic as he remembered the current situation.

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