Chapter 4.

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It was not a good one.

The next morning, Brooklyn could barely open her eyes. All she felt was pain as she slowly became aware of her surroundings.

Her head was pounding, her body was hurting, and her eyes were burning as she slowly opened them. She also felt a burning pain in her neck, but she correlated that with the rest of the pain in her body.

From what she could register, she was laying on her back on the floor, blanket and pillow over her body and under her head.

She did what she could to sit up, putting all her weight onto her right arm, rubbing her knuckles over her eyes and brushing her hair out of her face.

She felt very warm, as if she was sleeping with a space heater. But then she realized there was an arm slung over her waist.

She could tell she was not wearing what she was the night before, instead wearing a black button up shirt that was very large and very wrinkled on her, and her underwear.

The sound of squawking scared the shit of of her, and looking up, she saw Alan stumbling into the bathroom and Stu laying back against the couch, groaning in pain as he slowly began waking up.

She couldn't see Phil, and before she could look around for him, Alan came rushing out of the bathroom, kicking her right in the stomach which caused him to trip and fall to the floor.

"Ow!" She shouted out, hunching over in pain with her eyes squeezed shut. That was when the arm around her waist was being lifted.

"What the fuck..." Slowly managing to sit up, Phil's eyes remained closed, before he opened them a bit to look at Alan, clearly unaware of Brooklyn. Who was still unaware of Phil.

"Control yourself, man. Goddamn, would you put on some pants?" He asked, shielding his eyes from the blinding sun and Alan, who was muttering about something that clearly terrified him.

And that's when he looked to his left and found Brooklyn, her breathing ragged as she began to recover from being kicked and tripped over. "Brooks?"

Finally regaining her strength, Brooklyn slowly sat up, needing to lean against Phil for support as she rubbed her tired red eyes. "Phil?"

Before they could realize what they thought was happening, Alan shouted at them. "Guys, do not go in the bathroom!" He said, his breath shaking.

"Al, just calm down, it's us," Phil muttered back, trying to calm Alan down.

"Phil, there is a tiger in the bathroom!" Alan shouted again, staying a great distance away from said room.

"What's going on?" Stu asked from the couch, still slightly confused at everything happening around him.

"There's a jungle cat in the bathroom!" Alan shouted once again, trying to pull his shirt down enough to cover his lower body, meanwhile Phil and Brooklyn were back to staring at each other, doing their best to not freak out.

"Did we—?" Phil began, cutting himself off as he held a hand to his head. Brooklyn shook her head with concerned eyes.

"I don't—," she began, not getting far before Alan spoke over her.

"There's no time to think if you two slept together! There's a tiger in the bathroom, Phil!" Alan shouted, continuing his rant about the supposed tiger.

"Okay, okay. Al, Al, I'll check it out," Phil said as he slowly stood up straight before heading towards the bathroom, Alan begging him to not go in.

And as soon as Phil opened the door, he closed it just as fast once, like Alan said, the tiger growled at him. "Oh! Holy fuck! He's not kidding, there's a tiger in there!" He laughed, Stu and Brooklyn looking at him in disbelief.

The Hangover, Part 1. (Phil Wenneck X OC.)Where stories live. Discover now