Chapter 9.

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A bit of a drive around later, Brooklyn's phone repeatedly ringing before she had enough and finally blocked Jake's number like she should have done years ago, they finally managed to find the address this Jade lady was living.

Alan was going on about some movie to Stu, the baby strapped to his chest while Phil and Brooklyn trailed behind them. None of them listening to Alan.

"It's got, uh, Ted Danson, and Magnum P.I., and that Jewish actor..."

"Shut up, Alan," Stu snapped, tired of everything as they walked down the outdoor hall. "What room was it again?"

"It's 825," Phil answered immediately, his hand placed on Brooklyn's lower back as she and Stu checked the numbers on the room doors as they passed by.

A couple doors down, a woman with blonde hair was stepping out of her door, turning around and automatically recognizing them, hanging up with whoever she was on the phone with. "Thank god, he's with his father!" She squealed happily when she saw the baby.

Brooklyn recognized her from the photos back at the chapel. This was Jade.

"I was freaking out, I missed you sweetie," she giggled, taking the baby boy from Alan with a kiss on his chubby little cheek before she turned to Stu. "And I miss you," she said, before planting her lips on Stu's kissing him deeply and rather graphically, before Stu pulled away from her.

Jade smiled. "What the hell happened to you guys?" She asked, her tone very bubbly.

Brooklyn liked her already. She seemed really nice.

"Actually, we were hoping you could tell us," Phil answered, Jade just continued smiling.

"What do you mean?" She asked in a playful tone. "I got up this morning, I went to get you all coffee and I came back and you were gone!" She answered, looking between the four, who were still confused. "Why're you being so quiet?" She asked Stu, her tone still very happy.

"I'm not being quiet..." Stu said in a soft tone. Jade just giggled at him.

"You're so cute! Here, I gotta feed Tyler, come inside," she offered, grabbing Stu's hand and leading them inside.

"Did you hear that? Baby's name is Tyler," Alan said, his voice sounding sadder.

"Yeah, I thought he looked more like a Carlos too, bud," Phil said, lightly pushing Alan inside as he took hold of Brooklyn's hand, letting her in before him.

The four sat down on Jade's couch, Brooklyn sitting on the arm of the couch next to Stu as the guys took up all the cushions.

Brooklyn could already tell she would rather Stu be with her than Melissa. She was so nice and so bubbly compared to Melissa, a walking bubble of anger issues and bitchiness.

Jade was pouring a glass of sweet iced tea for Stu, holding the baby boy, now legitimately known as Tyler, before she looked up and set the pitcher down. "Okay, what's up? You guys are acting weird," she questioned, a slight squint in her eyes.

"Look, it's Jade, right?" Phil asked as she stepped back into the living room, tall cup in hand.

"Very funny, Phil," she giggled, behaving as if she'd known Phil her whole life, when they actually supposedly met last night.

"Right, Jade, um, you remember our friend Doug?" Phil asked as Jade gave Stu the cup of tea.

"Are you kidding? He was the best man at our wedding!" She smiled.

"Exactly. Well, we can't find him and we're getting a little worried," Phil explained, Jade only chuckling.

"Oh my god! That is so Doug!" She laughed, as if also knowing Doug her whole life, meanwhile Brooklyn just shifted uncomfortably in her spot.

The Hangover, Part 1. (Phil Wenneck X OC.)Where stories live. Discover now