Chapter 7.

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Not long after hitting the road to the hospital address on Phil's wristband, the group found themselves stuck in traffic.

Phil repeatedly kept beeping the horn of the cop car and sipping his coffee while Stu and Brooklyn were filled with anxiety. Especially Brooklyn.

"This is so illegal," Stu commented from the back behind Brooklyn, the baby buckled in between him and Alan. Phil didn't seem phased at all by the fact he was driving a cop car. When he was definitely not a cop.

Brooklyn was the cop. If anyone of them should be driving the cop car, it should be her.

"Can't you see the fun part in anything?" He asked, looking in the rear view mirror at Stu through the gate separating him and Brooklyn from the other 2. Or 3.

"Yeah, we're stuck in traffic in a stolen police car, with what is sure to be a missing child in the back seat," Stu started with an attitude, listing off their issues. "Which part of this is fun?"

"When you shut the fuck up til we get where we need to be," Brooklyn snapped, her head resting against the headrest and her arms tightly wrapped around her waist, eyes closed behind her sunglasses.

Phil just looked back at Stu with a shit eating grin, proud of Brooklyn's attitude as he gently grabbed hold of her hand, rubbing his thumb over her ringless knuckles as he handed her some of his coffee.

The day has barely started and already so much shit went down. It didn't help Brooklyn that she wasn't a morning person to begin with either.

"I think the cop car part is pretty cool," Alan answered, bringing the conversation back prior to Brooklyn snapping at Stu.

"Thank you, Alan. It is cool," Phil said with a light tone, looking back at Stu in the rear view mirror. "Doug would love it."

"How 'bout we find him first then we ask him," Brooklyn said, her eyes now open and watching people walking by on the sidewalk, sipping on Phil's coffee. "Because I'll tell you one thing, I might be a police sergeant back in L.A. but I am not proud of this. I do not love this."

And that's the sentence that brought Phil and Stu to whip their heads at Brooklyn.

They clearly didn't know she was a cop.

"You're a cop?" Phil asked in shock.

The girl he was hopelessly in love with was a cop? Not just a cop, but a sergeant? She just kept on surprising him.

And he thought he knew everything about her.

Brooklyn nodded before she reached into her purse and pulled out a gold circular item on a chain, and the guys could see it was her badge.

This just got real.

"Relax. I'm not going to arrest you," She said, smirking at Phil since he was still tensed, as if afraid she would actually arrest him, then deciding it would be smart to put it on. "I may have the jurisdictional authority but I'm not going to."

"Is that all you have in there or are there handcuffs and a gun?" Alan asked more as a joke, but once he realized Brooklyn wasn't laughing with him, he immediately shut up.

"I'll take that as a yes," Phil muttered, taking a breath before laying his hand down on the horn again for a few seconds, remembering they were in traffic. "Come on!"

Still nothing. No one in the whole street moved a single inch. And that's when Phil had enough.

"Ok, Brooks, I know you just told us you're a cop," he began, bringing Brooklyn to look at him with major concern in her eyes. "But just promise me you're not going to arrest me for this when we're back in L.A." He paused.

The Hangover, Part 1. (Phil Wenneck X OC.)Where stories live. Discover now