Chapter 13.

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On the road to Mike Tyson's very beautiful house, Brooklyn told them the story of how she became a cop, and eventually when she got promoted to a Sergeant.

They actually had a really great time getting to know each other, definitely considering themselves friends. Since Brooklyn told them about her career, Mike began telling her the story of how he got into his, and how he met Leonard through it.

When they arrived at the mansion, Mike took Brooklyn on a tour, showing her the house was just as beautiful inside as the outside, even getting his personal chef to make her something to eat since she was probably starving.

Offering her a seat on the couch, they waited for the guys to return with the tiger, continuing to talk about whatever came up.

Mike's little white Frenchie puppy named Beau instantly took a liking to her and immediately cuddled up into her side the second she sat down.

Brooklyn started getting worried as the sun was getting lower and lower, no sign of her boys just yet.

She was just about to call Phil when the doorbell to the house rung, relieving her of any concern when she saw the three men were waiting at the door.

"You're late," Leonard said as soon as he opened the door.

Phil shook his head with an exhausted sigh. "Whatever man, we had to push it the last mile."

"Come on in, Mike's got something he wants to show you," Leonard claimed, stepping back to let them in, closing the door afterwards.

"That things out of control man, you gotta put it down," Phil sighed as he stepped inside, his eyes immediately looking around for Brooklyn. "Where's Brooks?"

"Phil!" She immediately spoke up after hearing her name, Phil's hands immediately wrapping around her waist as she ran up to him and pulled her into his chest, his head resting on her shoulder as she wrapped her hands around his.

Glancing at Leonard to her left, he couldn't help but smirk and wink behind Phil, leaving the two in the foyer for a minute as Phil pulled away after he left. "Are you okay?" He asked, gently holding Brooklyn's face in his hands and staring into her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine," She nodded, her hands holding around Phil's wrists before noticing blood staining the collar of his shirt. "Fuck, are you okay? What happened to you?" She asked, gently pulling the collar of Phil's shirt away from the source of the blood, seeing three large gashes in Phil's neck.

He chuckled slightly. "That fucking tiger happened," he answered, just happy to be back in the same room with Brooklyn.

"Seems like both of our necks have been through hell today," She chuckled, referring to her neck tattoo. Phil chuckled with her.

"At least yours is actually nice to look at," he said as he gently set a hand on Brooklyn's shoulder with her new tattoo, his beautiful blue eyes repeatedly flickered between Brooklyn's eyes and lips, slowly leaning in before they were interrupted.

"Sergeant," Leonard's voice came from behind the two, making them look up to acknowledge him, his hand lifted in a 'this way' motion, also reminding Phil and Brooklyn they were in Mike Tyson's house and not anywhere else.

"Sorry," she apologized lightly, her hand in Phil's as they followed Leonard back into Mike's living room, himself, Alan, and Stu sitting and waiting for them on the couch.

Phil sat down next to Mike first, Brooklyn sitting between them on the floor, Beau waddling away from Mike and towards her, making her chuckle as he gently nibbled at her ear and gently lifting him into her lap.

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