Chapter 15.

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The sun has now risen to its desired height in the sky as the 4 drove through the desert, managing to find the spot where the Asian guy told them to meet up.

The excitement of winning the money had worn off the longer they drove, now they were just getting anxious the further into the desert they drove.

As Phil turned off the highway and into the desert, all they could focus on was getting Doug back, and getting back to L.A. in time for the wedding.

Phil slowed the car down to about 10 feet away from the black SUV, waiting for the guys in it to make a move. "Now what?"

"Give him the signal," Alan said, looking intensely through the cracked windshield at the car as if he'd done something like this before.

Phil looked back at him confused. "What signal?"

"Flash your lights. Let him know it's on."

"What's on?"

"The deal," Alan answered as if it was obvious.

"Of course it's on. We just drove 30 miles into the desert. He knows it's on," Phil stated, clearly not enthused about the drive in.

"Phil, just do something," Stu quietly shouted, losing his patience.

"I guess just flash the lights," Brooklyn sighed, swiftly checking how much ammo she had in her pistol then clicking it back together, leaning forward a bit to wedge it in the back her leggings incase she needed to start shooting.

"Fine," Phil sighed, quickly flashing the brights of the car on then turning them off, to which the guys in the black SUV began getting out of their car.

"See?" Alan questioned, knowing he was right as they began getting out as well.

Rather than crawling through the passenger window, Brooklyn slid over to the drivers side and got out after Phil, Stu following her with the money afterwards.

Alan seemed to be having issues maneuvering out of the back window, falling on his back once he was out enough.

The Asian guy laughed as Alan fell. "Funny, fat guy fall on face."

"You okay?" Stu asked as Alan stood up straight, nodding as Stu helped brush the dust off his back and shoulders.

"Alright, we got the money. 80 grand, cash," Phil said to the guys, Brooklyn standing next to him as Stu and Alan stood on the other side.

"Throw it over, then I give you Doug," The guy said, making Brooklyn realize they didn't know his name.

However Stu seemed to be a step ahead of her. "Um, I'm sorry. First of all, good morning," Stu greeted, trying to be polite. "We didn't catch your name last night."

"Mr Chow. Leslie Chow," the guy, now known as Chow, answered.

"Mr. Chow, it's a pleasure. My name is Stu. And, we would very much appreciate an opportunity to see Doug before we give you the money, just to verify that he's okay," Stu asked. "If that's-if that's cool."

Chow removed his sunglasses as Stu finished his sentence. "Of course, Stu. That is cool," he agreed, then clapping his hands twice before speaking something in a foreign language to his body guards, one of them opening the back door and pulling Doug out.

Something about this interaction didn't seem right to Brooklyn. So using her detective skills, she began dissecting.

Doug was wearing a white button up shirt, black jacket, black pants and black shoes when they last saw him.

This guy was wearing a brown jacket and striped shirt. And he seemed taller than Doug.

"See, he fine," Chow said, interrupting Brooklyn's thoughts. "Now, give me money or I shoot him, and I shoot all you motherfuckers. And then we take it. Your choice, bitches," he said, his bodyguard next to him opening his jacket enough to show he had a gun at the ready.

The Hangover, Part 1. (Phil Wenneck X OC.)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora