Chapter 14.

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Once back at the hotel, the 4 looked every possible spot for the purse.

They looked in every bedroom, bathroom, closet, cabinets, drawers, beds, couch, under beds, under the couch, every possible spot but they saw no brown leather.

"You find it?" Phil asked from where he was looking on the bar, Brooklyn saying 'no' while pulling up the couch cushions and pillows and blankets and Stu also saying 'no' as he looked around the living room.

"Guys, I'm telling you, I looked for it this morning before we left. It's not here," Alan said as he came back into the main room.

"Fuck," Phil said in frustration, leaning against the bar as he pondered any potential plan to magically make up 80 thousand dollars. He then looked at Stu. "Stu, how much you got in the bank?"

"Uh, about 10 grand, maybe more. I was gonna use it for the wedding," he answered, looking up from under the couch.

"Well, you're already married so we're good there," Phil nonchalantly joked as he left the bar and began approaching the living room. "Besides, enough with Melissa. She's the worst."

"The only thing we like about her is taking turns insulting her," Brooklyn added, wrapping her hair up in a messy bun to get it out of her way.

"Yeah, Doug told me she had sex with a pilot, or something like that," Alan also added, looking up from behind the couch.

Stu looked between them all in disbelief. "It was a bartender on a cruise. What is wrong with you people?" He questioned, then casting Alan a glance as he picked up a piece of pizza and took a bite from it from the corner of his eye. "Ew, Alan, did you just eat sofa pizza?"

"Yes," Alan then said with no shame whatsoever.

"What're we gonna do? We are so fucked," Phil stated, now sitting across from Stu with a hand to his face.

"Hey guys?" Alan asked aloud, grabbing the three's attention.

"Did you find it?" Stu asked hopefully, sitting up straighter.

"Nope," Alan said, before continuing. "But check this out," he finished, holding up the Blackjack book he was reading on the drive up.

The guys then looked at Brooklyn. She couldn't help but sigh. "Fuck. I guess it's the only option we have," she admitted, not feeling good that she's about to do more illegal shit as a cop. "What's the plan?"

The 4 began scheming.

They planned to use Stu's 10 thousand, and Alan having read the whole book, he was going to be the one playing it in Blackjack and hopefully win enough times to make up the 80 grand they needed.

Stu would call Jade and ask her if she could help them as a lookout while being disguised as Stu's wife—which technically made sense—so she could warn the four if someone was watching them and getting suspicious.

Alan would try and play off that he was someone of great power, and Phil would act as his bodyguard.

And Brooklyn? Well, she still wasn't that sold on the plan.

As Stu phoned Jade, Phil pulled Brooklyn aside into the room she slept in the night before.

"Are you sure you're comfortable doing this?" He asked, his hands on his hips as Brooklyn held one of her own on her forehead.

"It's the only option we have, unless you can magically pull 80 grand from thin air," she sighed, slowly pacing back and forth. "I guess I don't have to tell my Captain everything we supposedly done."

"Have you ever met any other Sergeant who's done as much shit as us?" Phil lightly joked, making Brooklyn chuckle slightly.

"Think it's safe to say I'm the first," she softly smiled. "Alright, what do I do?"

The Hangover, Part 1. (Phil Wenneck X OC.)Where stories live. Discover now