23. Heir,

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My father swung the door open very loudly. If his guards hadn't installed door stoppers, it would have slammed too hard into the wall and created a significant dent. The anger surrounding him was palpable. It shook the loft situated across from the door. As I shifted to attention, I heard muffled words being spoken and angry footsteps.

I knew he would begin to look for me, so I stood from my very comfortable seat on the couch and went to the balcony that overlooked the living room. I could see three of the guards standing alert at the door, seeming as if they were waiting for my father to come back and tell them to do something. Everything in the air screamed anger and tension as if something happened on his little business trip that left no one pleased. As I came to a stop against the railing and leaned over, I could now see my father standing at the bar by the kitchen, with his favorite bodyguard, Maverick, standing just a couple of feet away.

He happened to be my favorite as well... Always looking so damn delicious all the fucking time. Recently, as his spot has become solely at my father's side, it meant I saw him more often than not. He was always in my line of sight and being that I would let him do anything he pleased to me, I made it my mission to try and tease the living hell out of him. Whether or not it was working- I didn't really care. All I wanted to do was get under his skin. He wasn't that much older than me, maybe five years at worst? What's the harm?

My presence atop the balcony hadn't been announced yet, but both men at the door saw me and knew I was there. A couple of seconds later, Maverick noticed that I was leaning over the glass railing. As I stared him down, his jaw began to clench rhythmically as he tried not to be obvious in gazing back at me. It was my favorite pastime to try and fluster him while he was trying to work, being a little lapdog to my father and his family. Maverick always tried his hardest to pretend like he didn't notice it, nor that it slightly bothered him. It didn't help I was standing up here in an oversized t-shirt that gave off the illusion I had nothing on underneath.

Once my father had made one drink, finished it, and prepared another, he turned around. The anger still resided over his expression. Maverick was quick to look away before his boss turned around and as my father took his next drink, his eyes found me. "Athena, what are you doing?" My father asked, seeming to be suddenly exhausted.

I shrugged softly. "How was your trip?" I questioned in response. It didn't matter what I had been doing as I knew whatever bodyguards had stayed while he was gone reported every single movement back to him. I wouldn't have been able to think about leaving the house without someone reporting back to him and an angry call being placed through to me.

My father groaned and waved me away, not wanting to deal with any small talk apparently. "Fine." He murmured before taking a long drink. "Can you find somewhere to go tonight? I have men coming over." My father walked over into the empty area that bordered the living room and the dining room. His gaze raised to mine and I could tell his anger was more than I was willing to bet on. Something actually happened while he was away and I could almost guarantee whoever was coming over was going to get their asses reamed.

A breath left me as I turned to look down at my fingernails. For a second, I pondered his question before I remembered- I wasn't allowed to have friends. My father never trusted them and always assumed they were only nice to me so they could have some of our money. Most of the time- He was right. And I won't fault him for that. But there have been quite a handful of really good people I've had to drop because my father wouldn't have anything to do with them. He wouldn't even let me around other trust fund babies either. Protective? More like a helicopter.

"What do you expect me to do? I can't even go out to the bars anymore- Even though I know they miss me." My sarcasm was slight, but my father knew some kind of attitude would come up with a question like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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