(>Part 29<)Memories

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Y/n Pov

"A very complicated one,"I told Toga.All my childhood memories started coming back to me
Y/n,6,had a complicated childhood. Both her parents came from different backgrounds. Her mom was born and raised in Okinawa prefecture,while her father was from the heart of Japan,Tokyo.They might've had a "Romeo and Juliet" love story,but not everything was rainbows and flowers. After they got married,Y/n's mom would soon realize that her father had a hidden side that no one knew about him. He was a heavy drinker and hated being interrupted while he was drinking.On one fateful evening,the claws he had hidden inside of him would soon show...

"It's already half passed midnight,sweatie.Please, I beg you.Stop drinking,"she told her husband as he sat at the table covered in different bottles of alcohol. had recently started catching him going to bars and sometimes even coming back with women.It kept happening more and more often,and eventually started happening nightly.She'd had enough with his behavior and decided to confront him about it.After all,he had a daughter to take care."PISS OFF,YOU F-"he said as he threw a bottle at her.The loud sounds of shattered glass woke up a young y/n."Not again,"she said as she stared at the roof,already knowing what was going on.Even at a young age,she'd seen this situation play out many times,but this time something felt off.She constantly kept hearing glass shatter and decided to see the situation,since,going based off previous experiences,he would only waste one bottle on her.She quietly made her way downstairs,but before she could reach the bottom, there was across the floor.Her eyes widened at the sight of blood.After all the abuse she and her mother  had dealt with,never had she seen this much blood on the floor."Thats-What-You-Get..,"she overheard her father say over the screams of her mother.She looked between the bars of the stairs when the sight she witnessed that evening was one that would never be forgotten and would leave some trauma in her.Her father,stepping all over her mother who was already losing a lot of blood and was screaming for help. The poor child couldn't do anything but watch as her mother got beaten to a pulp.After a couple of minutes of beating his wife,he decided to kick her body against a wall.The blood now covered most of the floor.The amounts of blood she was losing was too much.She didn't move an inch."Daddy...is Mommy ... going to be .. okay?"Asked Y/n as tears started forming in her eyes.They came down her face,but she never wiped them off.Her father,drunk,had no idea of the seriousness of his actions.Instead of saying anything,he just drank some whiskey."DAD!!"yelled Y/n while she was brought to her knees.She knew her dad had problems with drinking,but never had it crossed her mind that he would go this far.She ran towards him and started punching him.This obviously did nothing but annoy him even more."You brat.Your the biggest mistake I could've ever brought to Earth,"he said as he smacked her.The force of the hit was so strong that it knocked her onto the floor.She had started to bleed,but couldn't get up again.As she laid there,on her mother's blood,she heard some distant sirens.Her eyes slowly closed up ....

A couple of days later,Y/n would find herself at a hospital for her injuries.She would later find out that her mother was declared deceased on the scene,while her father had lost the custody over her after his actions.After the loss of her mother,a young child like y/n didn't know exactly how to process those emotions.Not having any distant relatives, she was sent to a foster home,but yet again luck was never on her side.She kept moving from home to home until she reached highschool,UA had offered her to move into the newly developed dorms.After she came to UA,her life had completed changed.At the beginning,she was distant from the class and never showed much emotion,that was until she met Mina.Mina opened  her up and eventually befriended the introverted  y/n.She opened up to them and enjoyed Mina and everyone elses' company,but never had the confidence to tell them her past.There would be some instances in which the topic would be brought up,but she would usually dodge those questions.After finishing highschool,Y/n had completely changed.She wasn't the same girl who'd been through some stuff during her life.She had become a very strong and kind person.She never found out what had happened to her father after he was turned into the authorities nor did she want to know.All she knew was that she was happier than ever with her new founded friends and now found her true purpose.....

>Thanks for reading<

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