20 - boyfriend

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YOU STARED AT THE PASSED-OUT GUY LAYING HIS HEAD ON THE TABLE like a deranged psycho, obviously. I mean, should you really care about the guy whom you desperately despise? Or is that only what you tell yourself?

You clicked your pen repeatedly in order to direct your anxiousness somewhere else. "Is he nocturnal? And, God, why do I keep obsessing over this?" You asked yourself aloud in a whisper, expressing your chaotic thoughts. The person you kept gawking at, however, didn't even bat an eye. Even if you were right in front of him, nearly killing yourself over this situation.

What's 'this situation'?, people might ask. Well, you noticed—just from stalking at his window—that Aomine hasn't been coming home lately. Not while you were awake, at least. And even if you manage to stay up later than usual where you happen to catch him coming into his room, he doesn't sleep. He just goes to his desk and types stuff into his computer.

Did he find himself an online girlfriend or something? Like, congrats for finding a girl that will actually put up with him, but girls probably don't prefer corpses. Being so unconcerned for his health is not in a good sign in a girlfriend. Right? "What? What are you saying, y/n?" You asked yourself, bewildered as you dropped your head to your hands.

If he had actually slept at home, he wouldn't sleep in this library like a fucking barbarian. Be it if bozo was his middle name. "Hey, y/n and Aomine? Given that it's after school hours, you should probably head home." The librarian informed you two, so you nodded in response. But Aomine was too busy snoring to even hear the poor lady. "Aomine?" She nudged him but he didn't even budge.

Oh, how you hated this. Yet, you still continued. "Can we... stay here for just a little bit longer, ma'am?" You asked her politely, but she was hesitant. "You can go back home. I'll lock up." You assured her so she agreed and handed you the keys, reminding you of a few necessities to look out for. It wasn't your first time staying late in the library anyway.

That goes without saying since you have a scholarship application deadline that is, ironically, tomorrow. Damnit. Why do you need to be reminded that the idiot asleep blew it for you? "Oh, right." You clicked the Gmail tab of the library computer before you. And what appeared was a complete request of a scholarship. But it was very much in need of a letter of recommendation.

Reluctantly, your finger hovered over the 'send' button. Even though it was right there, you just couldn't press it.Without the letter, you knew they wouldn't grant your request. So, why humiliate yourself? Ergo, you just didn't send it.

Instead, you left the unsent request in your drafts and scrolled through your emails. Oddly enough, you saw a recent email sent by the coach of Touou. You clicked it and it read,

'Dear former manager Y/n,

How I left things with you at the club was far from decent, and I deeply regret it. I want to urgently talk to you about something. If you could spare me your time, I would love to meet with you in my office after practice.

Sincerely, Coach Katsunori Harasawa.'

Now, what in the world does he have to talk about?

Not decent couldn't even come close to an excuse for him throwing vases and, I'm sorry, a damn fire extinguisher at you. His words were very vulgar, and if you weren't shitting your pants over telling your parents you ruined the chance of a scholarship, they would have filed a lawsuit against him or something.

God. Here you were, sitting in a library, somewhat, all by yourself and you're still thinking about that jerk of a guy. "He's such a douche. Take your mind off of him, Y/n." You told yourself and closed the computer once and for all.

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