Chapter 1: The Blonde Bimbo

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The PJo Story

(Dawson's Creek, Season 1~Episode 1: *Dawson, Joey and Pacey were a group of 3 best friends who did everything together. They all knew each other's thoughts, feelings and even secrets. They were inseparable, nothing could ever come between them...or so they thought. One day, Dawson decided to make a movie, "Sea Creature from the Deep." Dawson casted Joey as his leading lady, and Pacey as his horrible, scary sea creature. Joey was out on the dock, when Pacey came up from the water and pulled her in with was all part of the script, but in Pacey's mind it was simply done to make Josephine Potter squirm. All of a sudden, the 3 friends hear a car pull up outside the Leery residence. Jennifer Lindley...a beautiful blonde, steps out of the cab and Dawson instantly becomes infatuated with her. Pacey, still in his sea creature outfit and Joey, in her bathing suit stand idly by, watching while Dawson goes to pursue a conversation with this newfound blonde that arrived in their "territory".*)

Joey: "Who does she think she is? Coming to Capeside and immediately going in for Dawson? Is she insane?!"

Pacey: "Simmer down Potter, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're jealous of Miss Blonde over here." *Pacey, giving his ever so signature smirk at Joey, knowing just how ticked off Joey was at this whole situation*

Joey: "I'm not "jealous" of that blonde bimbo, I'm just saying it's a bit drastic that she just randomly shows up in our town, and immediately seeking out Dawson if you ask me."

Pacey: "Jealousssss! It's written all over your perm-a-scowl face Jo...just admit it." *He continued to smirk the entire time, trying to get under Joey's skin*

Joey: "So what if I am?! Dawson clearly can't see the trouble in her mysterious arrival to Capeside, and her "unmistakable beauty." *Joey rolls her eyes at that comment*

Pacey: "And to what degree would that be a jab at her for stealing your man?" *a questioning look plastered on his face* "Hmm? I mean come on Potter; you never act like this when someone new comes into our life."

Joey: "This is OUR place Pacey; don't you get it?! Dawson's house is where we come to hang out, it's OUR safe space, and it is OUR place to have a good time and be ourselves. It's like she came here just to steal it!" *Joey says, feeling wounded and hurt that even Pacey was having positive thoughts about Miss Beautiful Blonde, standing but a mere 2 feet from them*

Pacey: "Don't be so upset Jo, who knows, she might not even come around that much. Plus, if she knows you don't particularly enjoy her "company" then maybe she'll back off from us and Dawson?!" *He only just realizes just how bothered Joey is by Jennifer's presence, he's never seen her act like this. He can't understand why she's so upset, it's only a new {what seems to be} friendly face in Capeside...maybe she'll come around. If it continues, he plans on talking to her about it. They may bicker and banter all the time, but he cares about how Joey feels. He didn't like seeing her hurt or upset or even bothered by something other than him, I mean, that's what he was here for, to make her miserable.*

Joey: "In your lucid dreams Pacey, I doubt she would ever see that I absolutely hate her..." *Looking over in the direction of Dawson and the blonde, seeing how caught up he was in her. She wished he would look at her that way someday, all smiley and lovey-dovey. That's exactly what he looked like to her at that moment...a lovesick puppy.*

Pacey: "Just give her a shot Potter, you can't completely dodge her. Who knows...she might just become your best friend!" *As soon as he said it, he knew it was a mistake*

Joey: *Looks at him with the most serious and hurt face she ever had* "DAWSON is my best friend Pacey...YOU are my best friend...SHE will NEVER be my best friend! GOT IT!"

Pacey: "Okay, Okay Potter, I got it. I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."

Joey: "I'm going home, tell Dawson I had to meet Bessie at the Ice House." *With that, Joey walks down the dock and gets in her rowboat and goes home.*

*Pacey just watches her as she leaves and starts to row her way down the creek. Joey can be so stubborn sometimes, but he knew that was what made her so charming and fun to be around. What could he say, he enjoyed seeing her boil at the littlest things. He'd be sure to help put her back in her "good mood," if he could call it that. He walks toward Dawson and the blonde, wanting to meet her and see what Joey was so angry about.*

~Fade Out~

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