Chapter 7: The Trip...

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(Dawson's Creek, Season 1~Episode 13: *Joey was offered to go to Paris on a summer long trip, she was really considering it but something else came up and ruined the was her turn to go visit her dad in prison, Bessie had made it clear to her that she had already taken her turn. It was now Joey's turn to visit him, as much as she hated the trip, she knew she had to go. Dawson took her and she visited with him no longer than 5 minutes, her father wanted to know more about his daughter and how she was doing. He asked Dawson to tell him all about her, so he did. Joey got angry with him when they got home because she didn't feel it was necessary for him to tell her father all about her...he didn't know her, and given he was in prison she liked to keep it that way. He clearly didn't seem to care years ago, so why all of a sudden would he care now? Joey was at the Ice House later that night and was cleaning up after her long shift. Pacey stopped by, wanting to get away from his family...more so, his father. He himself had experiences with a bad father, so he thought going over to see Joey would calm him he missed her...*

{Script's dialogue}

Joey: *Sees Pacey walk through the doorway* "Sorry, Pacey, the kitchen's closed."

Pacey: *Knowing she was only kidding, and hoping she'd give him some food. He was starving* "Please don't make me eat dinner with the Stepford family."

Joey: *Feeling bad for him, she knew his family situation wasn't the best either. She was glad she had someone to relate to on that level, they were each other's family at this point* "Trouble in paradise? I guess I can scrape something up." *Cracking a joke to get him riled up* "I think I saw some rat droppings behind the oven."

Pacey: *Avoiding her joke, wanting food and hopefully this thoughtful response would get him at least a piece of bread* "Great. I'll take them. Just toss them in the microwave and warm them up."

Joey: *Seeing that he wasn't in the mood for banter* "That was weird. For a second there, I was overcome with this wave of sympathy for you." *Really internally feeling for him, she didn't actually want him to starve*

Pacey: "It'll pass..." *He wanted to talk to Joey about his situation with his father, she was the only one who would be able to understand and sympathize with him about the topic* "Tell me something, Joey...You have a habit of being annoyingly honest with me. When was it that I got designated the town loser?" *Feeling the hurt and shame come rushing back to him* "I know I've done some stupid things...but what pushed me over the edge to being...a walking, talking embarrassment to my perfect family?" *He knows his family is FAR FROM perfect, but it's just to get the matter addressed and advice from Joey*

Joey: *For one thing, she knew when he called her "Joey" it was serious. And she knew that when Pacey talked like this, he was in desperate need of advice. She knew he wasn't an embarrassment...but she needed HIM to know that* "You're not an embarrassment to your family, Pacey."

Pacey: *Knowing she would say that, but definitely not feeling it at the moment* "According to Deputy Doug, I am."

Joey: "Well, at least your whole family isn't an embarrassment..." *Frowns at that thought, her family was far from "perfect" either* "I just got back from visiting my dad."

Pacey: "How'd it go?" *Curious to know about that first encounter after a few years, but first wanting to tell her something that he's never told another single soul before* "Fathers are weird creatures, you know that? When I was 8 years old, I used to play peewee baseball...We had this huge game at the end of the season. It was two outs, bottom of the ninth, and I struck out...Anyhow, we get home, and my dad just proceeds to ream me. Telling me what a loser I am, and what a disgrace I the whole family and town for losing the game. The next morning, I overhear my dad relaying the events of the game to my brother. I heard him say to him, "At least I have you..." I don't know. I never told anybody this...but I wish I never heard him say that." *It was like the knife was stabbing him over and over again in his chest, he never wanted to have another day like that in his life*

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