Chapter 8: The Hardest Goodbye (Pacey's POV)

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(Dawson's Creek, Season 2~Episode 21: *Pacey was going through it these past few days, Andie has been simply acting different, she's dyed her hair back to brown, and her mental disability has been emotionally crippling her. He's been trying so hard to take care of her, but she was just slipping through his fingers. He knows she needs professional help, but he also knows that he doesn't want to let her go either. He thought she would get help in Capeside, but her father wants her to go up to Providence with him. They both wanted to fight her father on the matter...but in reality, Andie realized she truly needed the help. Pacey didn't want to accept it at first, but he knew if he let her go now, she would get back to him quicker and they'd be back to being more in love than ever! He said his goodbyes (tearful ones) once Andie pulled off in the car. He hadn't been hanging out with Joey much lately, but right now, he needed his closest friend and first crush to help him get through this hard time. He drove over to the Potter residence as fast as he could, ignoring red lights and turning harder and sharper than he should've been. He finally made it to her house, and knocked rapidly on her door..."

Joey: *Opened up the door, seeing it was Pacey she opened the door wider.* "Pacey?! What're you..." *Stopping mid-sentence, seeing the tears welled up in his eyes* "Pace...what's wrong?"

*Pacey didn't even answer her, he just let his head fall and the tears poured out of his eyes. His body shook as he sobbed, his hands covering his eyes. Joey's heart broke in an instant, she's never seen Pacey like this before, and she certainly did not like seeing him so broken. He slowly fell to the porch, his knees giving way on him. She was stunned...she didn't know what to do. She quickly kneeled down to him and grabbed his hands from his eyes, and looked at him. He looked away from her, not wanting her to see him cry. Joey put her hands underneath his chin, then placed them on his cheeks to keep him from looking away...*

Joey: "Pace, why don't we go down to the dock, sit there for a while and then when you're ready...we can talk, okay? Does that sound okay to you?" *Looking in his sad eyes with concern, using her thumb to wipe away the strands of tears falling down his face*

*Pacey looks up at her and nods his head "yes," so Joey helped him up and down the porch steps. They slowly walked down to the dock and sat on the edge, their feet just inches from the water below. Joey sat close to him, she grabbed his hand in hers and gave it a big squeeze. He clung to her hand as if it was his life support, he needed her now more than ever. He looked out at the water, trying to calm his thoughts and desperately not wanting to cry anymore. Joey rubbed circles on his hand and wrapped her other arm around his shoulders to give him even more support. He started to calm down and he looked over at her, no smile on his face like normal Pacey would've had any other day...and that hurt Joey to no end. He was building up the strength to tell her everything without breaking down in between...he needed her to know what happened...*

Pacey: *Taking a deep breath* Andie left Jo...she needed to go to a hospital to get better treatment for her mental health...she hasn't been in good spirits lately...her medication is only helping so much, and it's completely out of my control to be able to take care of her. I wanted so badly...but I failed her..." *His voice breaking, tears welling up in his eyes again*

Joey: *Hurt that Pacey was feeling this way, she knew that he didn't fail Andie...she loved him! She's made that clear to Joey hundreds of times!* "Pace, you didn't fail her. Do you realize what all you did for her?! I mean, most guys would've run when they heard their girlfriend had something mentally wrong with them...but you stayed! You stayed Pace! You helped her in more ways than you OR Andie could ever imagine! And she helped you too Pacey...I can see it. You're so together now, you're doing excellent in your classes, you're sticking up for people you care about when they can't themselves, and you are this...bright, fun and absolutely sweet human being who always blesses the lives of others you come into!"

Pacey: *Looks at Joey, listening to her every word, realizing that yes, he did help Andie...and she helped him. Without her, he would've been lost this past year. But then he also realizes that he has/had Joey too.* "Thanks just hurts ya know? I mean...besides you, she was the first girl I actually liked as more than just a friend. She was a special part of my life, and now I just feel like I have this empty void." *Looking down at Joey's hand locked in his, he hoped that she would never let it go*

Joey: "It's going to be hard at first Pacey, but you'll get through it...besides, you have me! And I'll be sure to make your life miserable!" *Joey said with a small chuckle*

Pacey: *Smiles at that remark, he's very happy she's here to make him happy during this hard time. He didn't want to be alone in this, and Dawson hasn't been around much lately so Joey's all he's got* "Thanks Potter, I appreciate that..."

*Joey pulls him in for a hug, she holds him tight wanting him to know she's there for him. Pacey leans into her shoulder, closing his eyes and deeply inhaling. Feeling an overall sense of calm, he could stay in her arms forever. He knows he's still in love with Andie, but he also knows that he still has those small feelings for Joey...they'd soon come in at him like a semi-truck. Joey just held him for a few minutes, enjoying the closeness and thinking...she knows Andie needs medical attention, but if she wanted so badly to be with Pacey, then why would she be in such a hurry to leave? Joey just thought that was nonsense and her brain was just trying to conjure up a bad situation. Once she pulled away, she smiled at him, and they hung out together for the rest of the day. Pacey forgot about the sadness and was thankful that Joey was being a good friend to him*

~Fade Out~

{Not as long as most of my chapters so I'm very sorry! This one I wasn't feeling very creative with, and this one is completely based off my imagination. They'll get better I promise!}

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