Chapter 5: The Scare

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(Dawson's Creek, Season 1~Episode 11: *It was Halloween, and Dawson, Joey and Pacey were planning a seance at Dawson's house...well...Dawson and Pacey were, Joey hates all things scary and creepy. Dawson had been pulling pranks on both Joey and Pacey all day at school and Joey wasn't too happy about it, but Pacey found it hilarious! He secretly enjoyed watching her squirm, and there was no better time for that than Halloween season! Dawson had brought along a rubber finger, so...Pacey thought it would be good to get Joey riled up...*

Pacey: *Putting the rubber finger in with Joey's fries when she wasn't looking, desperately waiting for her to pick it up and attempt to eat it*

Joey: *Not looking down, she goes to pick up a fry. Putting the "fry" in her mouth, she looks down, noticing a different feel and texture to said "fry." Finding out that it was a fake finger, Joey spits it out and throws it at Pacey. Completely disgusted and no longer hungry* "Pacey, you're such a jerk! So gross!"

Pacey: *Laughing hysterically at Joey, swatting away the fry she just threw at him. Giving Dawson a high five for helping him scare the life out of Joey.*

*Later on, that evening, Pacey drove the Witter Wagoneer and they went to get snacks at their local market for their seance. Pacey couldn't exactly turn the car off, so he wanted Joey to stay outside and watch it for him...*

Pacey: "Can you watch the car, Jo?" *Going against his better judgment on leaving her alone in the car, with no one around to keep an eye on her*

Joey: "Why?!" *Scared to be in the car by herself, especially with the Lady Killer on the loose*

Pacey: "Well...I can't really turn it off. I can, but it's a hassle, because I don't have the keys."

Joey: "Oh, yeah. I forget. You steal it!" *Just wanting him to run in the store, get what they need, and get right back out to her and the car. She'd feel much safer if he was staying with her*

Pacey: "Hey, you borrow from family. You never steal!" *Wanting just as much to stay with her and the car, knowing deep down she shouldn't be out here by herself...he would be quick, so he can get right back out to her*

*Dawson and Pacey running in the store to get what they needed, Joey looked around to make sure no one was lurking in the shadows, watching her. Then someone approached the car, little did Joey know, Pacey was watching from inside the market the entire time, he wanted to make sure she was safe. He sent Dawson out to check on her, since he was paying for their goodies. He didn't want anything to happen to her, not on his watch. Once they paid, and brought along Ursula, (against his own free will) they went back to Dawson's to get the seance started. Pacey watches Joey from his rear-view mirror the whole drive back, seeing that she's been a bit shaken since the incident. Once they're back at Dawson's, they begin the seance...against Joey's better judgment...Dawson started it all off with a story about a scary phone call, of course getting blamed by Jen that he was the one that mysteriously called her. (But that's not important!) Then Cliff told a story about a mother who left her baby to be taken over and killed by a snake, and then Ursula told a story, and no sooner did she finish the story the lights had gone out. By now, Joey had been scared beyond belief and was ready to get out of there. Pacey thought it was all funny at first, until those lights went out and then he too, was officially scared. He wanted to comfort Joey, knowing she was spooked and probably shaking in her boots right now. They all sat where they were, while Dawson went with Ursula to turn the lights back on. Cliff and Jen started walking around the house, making sure Dawson didn't have any other tricks up his sleeve. Leaving Joey and Pacey behind, Pacey looked over at Joey and saw she was slightly trembling...and he knew she wasn't cold. He knew she was truly scared and felt bad, he wanted to make her feel better...*

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