Chapter 4: Mating Snails?

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(Dawson's Creek, Season 1~Episode 10: *Pacey and Joey both take a science course with the same teacher, Dr. Rand, but different periods in the day. Pacey failed his midterm exam and was looking to get extra credit, so he was offered a sure solution...but little did he know it would involve Miss Josephine Potter. Joey got a 98% on her midterm, but that wasn't good enough for her academic she wanted some extra credit as well. She would soon find out who her lab partner was for the assignment...*

{Dialogue used from the show's script}

Dr. Rand: "I'm gonna make you an offer that I highly recommend you accept...I want you to complete an extra-credit project for me. Show me that you understand everything we're learning...and I'll pass you by the skin of your teeth.

Pacey: "Yeah, sure. What do I have to do?" *Just wanting to get this extra credit done so he doesn't have to hear his pops bitch him out about his academic failure yet again.*

Dr. Rand: "You have to wait for a student from my sixth-period class to arrive."

Pacey: "Another rocket scientist, I presume?"

Dr. Rand: "Then I'm going to assign a project...the two of you will work on after school and on free periods."

Joey: "Hi, Dr. Rand..." *sees a student is present, so she thought she was intruding* "Oh, I can come back." *Getting ready to turn around and leave*

Dr. Rand: "No. You're right on schedule, Joey! I'd like you to meet your new lab partner!"

Joey: *Joey turns around the same time as Pacey and realizes who it is* "Him?!"

Pacey: *Meeting Joey's gaze, he turns to Dr. Rand* "Her?!"

Joey: "Dr. Rand, I'd like to lodge a formal protest..."

Pacey: "You never told me I was gonna be working with a control freak!"

Joey: "You never said my grade depends upon some remedial underachiever!"

Dr. Rand: "Well, wonderful. I see no introductions are necessary."

{Script Break}

*Pacey and Joey exchange one last look and plan on spending time together to complete this assignment. Little did Joey know, Pacey was actually looking forward to spending a little extra time with Joey, even if it was academic related. The next day they both get to the school early to observe the snails, Pacey was not enjoying it and wanted to do something fun. And Joey was the one taking control over most of the assignment, her academic record was on the line!*

{Script continues}

Pacey: "Boy, this is fascinating." *He wanted to do something much more interesting, that being getting out of this claustrophobic classroom!*

Joey: "I'm sorry there are no cartoons to make this interesting for you. But it's not designed to be fascinating. It's designed to be educational."

Pacey: "Well, thank you, Dr. Schweitzer! Now refresh my memory as to why we're here again?" *He knew, he just wanted to hear Joey over explain in her cute big, worded ways*

Joey: "We're observing the reproductive process of Pulmonata snails. Dr. Rand said that they reproduce more when they're happy. By varying the contents of the tank, we can determine what is...most conducive to reproduction."

Pacey: "Why didn't you just say that? We'll buy them a couple drinks and just come back in a couple days!" *Wanting to make a joke, and lighten Joey up a bit*

Joey: "You never fail to disappoint, do you, Pacey? Why did I think that the prospects...of repeating marine biology next summer...might cause you to take this project seriously?"

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