Chapter 10: Is it a crush?

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(Dawson's Creek, Season 3~Episode 1: *Joey is sitting on her dock, crying because Dawson just rejected her. Her feelings are bruised, and her heart is crushed. She thought that her soulmate would have taken any given opportunity to have her at his mercy any day...but she was certainly wrong. Pacey then started to come into view...*

{Script's dialogue, my version will be forthcoming!}

Pacey: *Calling out to Joey* "Ahoy there. Anyone ashore?"

Joey: *Confused as to why the hell he was coming to her house at this hour* "What are you doing here?!"

Pacey: "It's the damnedest thing. I just got into Dawson's row boat...and it magically drifted towards your dock."

Joey: "Yeah, well, magically drift any closer and I'll kill you!"

Pacey: *Stops at her dock and begins to tie Dawson's row boat to the dock* "You know, l almost believe that." *Pacey jumps up on Joey's dock, and sits beside her*

Joey: "He told you, didn't he?...Didn't he?!"

Pacey: "Well, what do you think?"

Joey: *a pause and a shaky sigh* "l think l hate you both."

Pacey: "Well, then you're really gonna hate me when you hear what l have to say...He did the right thing. The two of you need to be apart right now."

Joey: "How would you know what l need?!" *Tearing up at his response, thinking he was absolutely insane*

Pacey: "Yeah...You know, you're probably right. How could l possibly know how hard it is to let somebody go, right? The pain of knowing...that even though the two of you are right for each other...that doesn't necessarily mean that you're right for each other right now."

*Joey began to cry more, wiping the tears away forcefully and looking in the opposite direction so Pacey wouldn't see her weak*

Pacey: "What would l know about that, right? How could I possibly know that sometimes it just...makes you want to scream...hit somebody...sit out at the end of a dock and cry?" *Pacey looked over at Joey, hating to see her this upset. Knowing that Dawson caused her this much pain broke him to no end*

Joey: "Of all the people to see me like this, it had to be you." *Wiping more tears away, wishing that this wouldn't have happened in the first place*

Pacey: "You know, it's a new year...Who knows?" *Leaning into Joey to give it a better effect* "You and l might even become friends!"

Joey: "Pacey..." *looks up at Pacey with pain and tears in her eyes* "l'm upset enough as it is."

Pacey: *Pacey laughs at Joey's depressed comment* "Come here, Potter." *He pulls Joey into his side and lets her cry on his shoulder. He just sits there and holds her; Joey turns into his embrace deeper and covers her eyes with her hands and sobs into his chest*

{End of the script's dialogue, so here begins my own!}

*The longer Pacey sits with Joey, the more hurt he feels...not from simply being with her but hurt at Dawson for completely blowing off the most beautiful girl he's ever laid his eyes on. Sure, he thought Andie was beautiful...but not in the same innocent way Joey was to him. All the feelings were coming back to him, Joey was vulnerable. That didn't make any excuse for him to see her any differently, but he always wanted to help her through her problems. Pacey wanted to make her feel better, he didn't like to see her cry, it tore him apart. So, he tried to break the silence...*

Pacey: "Jo, I hate to see you like this. You don't deserve to sit here on your dock, crying over Dawson because he rejected you. There are going to be plenty of other guys waiting in line to be with you, and I'm sure the time will come soon enough." *Little did Joey know he'd want to make that a reality for her...*

Joey: "Well it's not exactly easy to NOT be upset by this event Pacey, I mean, Dawson has been my soulmate ever since I can remember. And if we weren't meant to be together then I know absolutely nothing about him or our "so called friendship" much less "relationship." *The tears had stopped up to this point, but now returned again in a matter of seconds*

Pacey: "I'm just throwing this out their Jo, but if Dawson was your "true soulmate" wouldn't he have done more than kiss you when he finally realized his true feelings about you 2 years ago? I mean really think about it Joey, Dawson is no dumb head, but that doesn't seem like an absolute irrational thought don't you think?"

Joey: *Sat and thought about what Pacey said, she knows deep down that it's true. She knew that if Dawson "truly" wanted to be with her, he would've already. She just didn't want to tell Pacey he was right; she was too tired and too stressed to give up the victory. Letting out a shaky sigh* "Pacey, I'm too tired to fight about this right now. It's been a rough night and I just want to sit here a little longer and just simply forget about him right now, okay?"

Pacey: *Pacey knew that he hit a cord with what he just asked her, he knew she knew that it was 100% true. But he also knew not to make a big deal out of this right now, and he knew that she just needed him to be there for her right now, even if she wouldn't admit it* "Okay Potter...okay. Do you want me to stay with you for a while? I don't have anywhere else to be, and Deputy Dougie doesn't particularly need me to tell him again about his closeted homosexuality..." *He wanted to make her smile, so he threw in a jab at his older brother*

*Joey slowly starting to break out her signature Joey Potter grin at Pacey's remark on Doug*

Pacey: "You smiled; mission accomplished." *Pacey smiled too, knowing he made Joey stop thinking about tonight's events...even if just for a second*

Joey: "I'd like it if you stayed a little longer Pace, thank you for being here for me."

Pacey: "Anytime Jo...anytime."

*Pacey held Joey tighter in his embrace and Joey just closed her eyes and smiled, secretly thanking God that Pacey was there for her tonight. Without him, she would've been a mess, and overly analyzing the events of the last few hours. An hour or so passed as they continued to sit on her dock, until Pacey looked down and realized that Joey had fallen asleep on his shoulder...*

Pacey: *in a whisper* "Potter...Potter wake up."

*Joey was sound asleep; it had seemed like nothing would wake her up now. Pacey then slowly wrapped his arms around her waist and shoulders, making sure not to disturb her sleep. He then slowly stood up with her in his arms and carried her back into the house and into her bedroom. He placed her gently on her bed, took her sandals off, and covered her up with her large quilt she used for a blanket. He brushed her hair off her forehead and put it behind her ear. Joey groaned in her sleep...*

Pacey: "Shhh, Jo. It's okay, you're okay" *She settled back down and was asleep again in seconds. He looked at her for a couple more seconds, making sure she was alright before giving her a light kiss on the forehead and whispers* "Sweet dreams Jo, if you need me, I'll always be here for you."

*He then stood up, looked at her for another couple seconds to make sure she was okay and then made a silent exit out of her room and out of the Potter house. Little did Pacey know that Joey had been slightly awake the entire time, and she squinted her eyes open to make sure he was gone. She sat up and lightly touched her forehead, where Pacey had just kissed her moments ago. She slowly smiled to herself and started to get this weird, fuzzy feeling in her stomach. She chose to ignore it and went to sleep for real this time, going into her dream world where everything was okay...and might have envisioned an alternative world where she actually liked Pacey as more than "just a friend"*

~Fade Out~

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