Chapter 2: Hiding Behind Walls

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(Dawson's Creek, Season 1~Episode 7: *After the whole "Joey kisses Dawson in the library debacle," Jen sees that Joey is trying to get back at Jen for "stealing" Dawson and ruining the Trio's strong group they once had. She felt like an intruder from the moment Joey locked eyes with her, this was clearly Joey's territory, and she was interfering. She simply was trying to make friends at Capeside, but Joey was making that a little hard for her. Pacey couldn't believe Joey had finally kissed Dawson...but some weird, unshakable feeling came over him. He chose to ignore it, but he also felt the tension between the 2 girls, and wanted to help put an end to it in any way he could.*)

Jen: "Joey...if you really hated me that much then why didn't you just say so?! I mean really, don't think it was lost on me that your little jabs at me and your rude comments weren't meant to have an effect on me. You're surely just doing all this to get me to run away cowering in the bushes." *Kind of pissed off that Joey just won't come around to her and hurt because she had only tried to become friends with Joey. She didn't ask for any of this hate towards her*

Joey: "You know what Jen, you have only been trying to rip my trio with Dawson and Pacey apart, so why don't you just do us all a favor and leave us alone. They're the only family I have so why do you insist on messing it up?! Go have a good time, bitching with Abby Morgan!" *Joey rolled her eyes at Jen, just wanting to be left alone*

Abby: "Hey, when did I become a part of this debate?! I only came to watch! Continue this amazing cat fight!"

Pacey: *Giving Abby a side eye, and then turning his attention to Joey* "Potter, you're taking this a little out of hand...even for you."

Joey: "Wow Pacey, I thought we were actually starting to be on each other's side about this...I guess I was wrong." *Looking at him with a hurt expression and feeling defeated*

(*Joey walks over to one of the desks and buries her head in her arms*)

Pacey: "It's not that I'm "taking sides" Jo, it's just that I don't particularly think Jen was deliberately trying to steal Dawson, or me for that matter away from you. I think you put your guard up a little too high and possibly let your stubbornness get in the way." *Talking gently as to not make Joey even angrier. He knows she has a wall put up to strangers, and always says everything is fine, when he knew better that everything wasn't fine. He just wanted to understand her, he wanted her to know he was on her side and always would be.*

Joey: *Looks up at Pacey standing in front of her, tears welling up in her eyes* "I have to keep walls up Pacey, I always get hurt and I'm trying to keep that from happening again...I mean, my mom died 2 years dad is in prison for drug sister just had her baby and I'm exhausted. You and Dawson are all I have left...and sue me for not wanting to lose the only thing left, keeping me stable." *She finished her sentence with the last of her strength, she started to cry, feeling beyond repair at the moment*

Pacey: *Feeling really bad about not knowing she was feeling this way, he took a seat next to her and put a hand on her shoulder and rubbed tiny circles, trying to calm her down. Dawson stood next to Jen, both watching her and listening the whole time Joey was speaking, they didn't know what to say. Abby didn't have any pity for Joey and continued to file her nails. But Pacey knew that she needed someone right now, that she had been holding all this in ever since Jen arrived and maybe even possibly before she had arrived. Joey was never one to show emotion, but if she bottled enough of it up...she could really cry. At this point she was sobbing, she felt alone, unwanted and completely helpless. Little did Pacey know that having his hand on her shoulder meant everything to her in that moment, it helped her fight the feeling of loneliness. He wanted to get the Joey he knew back; he hated seeing her this way. Even if her crying didn't happen often, he didn't want it to become an all the time ordeal. Finally, thinking up what to say, he spoke gently to her...* "It's alright Jo, don't cry. Listen, you're never going to lose me okay...I mean, I gotta have someone around to pick on, don't I?"

Joey: *Fighting a smile, but giving in but only for a second*

Pacey: "Look at me Potter..." *Not willing to put up a fight, until she was happy again*

Joey: *Hesitates but looks up at Pacey. Feeling small, given he's a bit taller than her*

Pacey: "I know things have been hard for you recently, and I know that can suck...believe me don't I know it. If you were feeling this way, why didn't you talk to me? Or even Dawson? You shouldn't feel like you have to shut us out Potter, we both know you better than can talk to us, okay?"

Joey: "I'm sorry Pacey, I know I should've come to you guys." *Wiping away the tears from her cheeks* "I just don't like being weak, I'm not like other girls that go and cry to their friends and be a burden..." *Pacey cuts her off at that remark*

Pacey: "Whoa, whoa...stop right there. You're never a burden Jo, not to Dawson and CERTAINLY not to me! Don't ever feel that way, we're your best friends."

Joey: *Feeling better thanks to Pacey giving her that best friend pep talk. She weakly smiled at him* Thank you Pacey, I appreciate you and Dawson more than you'll ever know."

Pacey: *Pacey gives Joey a small smile* "Good, everything is gonna be alright Potter, neither I, nor Dawson would ever leave you high and dry. Plus, who would I have around to tease if I did?!"

Joey: *Joey smiling wide* "You know what, you're right! I would definitely miss teasing you about your "older woman fetish." *Joey started to laugh hysterically, losing thoughts about the past couple minutes*

*Pacey giving her a stare* Pacey: "Ha ha Potter, very funny...Prude!" *He says with a wink*

Joey: "Pervert!" *The biggest grin showing on her face, feeling much better. Pacey always knew how to make her feel better, she was lucky to have him as a best friend...but she enjoyed picking on him.*

~Fade Out~

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