Chapter 3: Nice Serial Rapist Man;)

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(Dawson's Creek, Season 1~Episode 8: *Lots of things have happened in Capeside recently; Joey's sister Bessie just had a baby, Jen's ex-boyfriend from New York has made a visit to Capeside, Dawson has a fit of jealousy given the presence of Jen's ex, and Pacey has been...around. {If you know what I mean} With all of this stress, Joey can't seem to concentrate, much less feel anything. She's numb, and Pacey can see that she is not her usual "Miss perm-a-scowl." He wanted to get her out and about, so...what better way to cheer her up then by taking her to a party?!*

{Dialogue used from the show's script, my input will follow!}

Pacey: "Hey, Jo."

Joey: "Thanks, Satan, for completing this sending one of your disciples to finish me!"

Pacey: "What are you doing tonight?"

Joey: *Gives him an evil glare*

Pacey: "Forget I said that. I was out looking for a date and since I couldn't find one, I thought of you. So, how's about it? You wanna crash a party with me?!" *Secretly hoping she would go with him, and maybe even potentially take the "date" part seriously*

Joey: "You know, as much as that sounds like so much fun, I'm kind of busy." *Continuing her waitressing, while Pacey continues to bug her into coming to this party*

Pacey: "Come on, Jo, it'll be fun!" *Desperately wanting to go to this party with her, he knew she needed to get out, so this was her chance. And who better to go with, than with Pacey?!*

Joey: "Yeah. After I serve the 100 millionth seafood platter...pick the glass out of the ice machine...scrape the mung out of the fry-o-laters...I was gonna take my tip to the Canary Islands and open an offshore account. What do you think of that?!" *Saying all this while clearing a table and making a small mess on the customers* "Sorry."

Pacey: "You know, when's the last...?" *Joey walked off before he could even finish his sentence*

Joey: *Acknowledging the customers constantly asking her for things, completely ignoring Pacey at this point*

Pacey: "Wait, Joey, when's the last time you went out and had some fun?"

Joey: "Don't ask..."

{Took out the part about Dawson going alone to the party...not important!}

Bessie: *Watching and listening to Pacey practically beg Joey to go to this party with him, she knew she had to let Joey go. Plus, she didn't want Pacey to continue messing around in her place of business* "Go."

Joey: "But it's swamped!"

Bessie: "Sara's coming in to cover."

Joey: "She can't handle this alone!"

Bessie: *Also desperately wanting Joey to get out of there...* "Goodbye!"

Pacey: "Thank you! Come on, come on, come on!" *Pushing Joey along, so they weren't late* "Party on, Bessie!"

{Script Break}

*Joey and Pacey finally get to the party; Joey wasn't planning on drinking, but she got one handed to her from {what Pacey would soon call} "Nice serial rapist man." She wasn't feeling so happy so she thought she would just let go for a change. No rules, no authority, just her and some booze. Pacey saw her downing another drink, he had lost count by this time how many she had consumed. He knew what she was doing and just wanted to keep an eye on her, she's his best friend. He didn't want her to overdo it, he just wanted her to get out and have a good time for a change. He walked over to Joey and just wanted to be a caring friend...*

{Script continues}

Pacey: "All right, not that I care...but you might want to pace yourself with this stuff."

Joey: "Pacey..." *completely drunk* "I know I don't say it enough, but you're a really terrific friend. *Places a hand on Pacey's shoulder, and leans into him*

Pacey: *Practically holding her up so she doesn't fall* "Okay, thanks, yeah."

Nice serial rapist man: "Is this guy bothering you, Chloe?"

Pacey: *Ticked off at this guy, not even calling her by the right name. Thinking what a complete moron this guy is* "Okay, just a couple of things...First, her name's not Chloe, it's Joey. And second, no, I'm not hitting on her...I'm just her friend." *Pacey wasn't "intentionally" hitting on her, he just was concerned about her and wanted to keep her safe*

Nice serial rapist man: "Well, thanks for the info. We'll catch you later! Come on, let's take a little walk. Bye!" *He walks off with Joey attached to his arm, practically dragging her since she could barely walk.*

*Pacey stood back and watched her leave with the guy. He wanted nothing more than to pry her out of this guy's arms, put her in his and take her home. It had gotten to the point where her "fun" limit was reached and now any guy could take advantage of her, he didn't want her to get hurt. Pacey walked down onto the beach to find her wrapped up in the guy's arms and saw him trying to kiss her and God knows what else. Joey thought it was fun, and was too drunk to see where it was going...*

Joey: "Are you trying...?" *Joey internally giggling at this moment*

Nice serial rapist man: "Come on...Come on." *Nuzzling her hair and face*

Joey: "Are we dancing?" *Joey smiled up at him, eyes lidded*

Nice serial rapist man: "We're doing whatever you want to do, sweetheart." *Leaning in for a kiss*

Pacey: *He had reached his limit with this guy, he needed to get Joey away from him* "All right, Jo, say goodbye to the nice serial rapist man."

Nice serial rapist man: "You again, a-hole?! She doesn't want to leave!" *Getting ticked off at Pacey for not leaving them alone*

Joey: "I don't want to leave, Pacey!" *Says, clearly in a daze. Starting to sway back and forth, Pacey knew she would soon be going down*

Pacey: "All right, come on, cowboy, party's over..." *No sooner did Pacey say that he hit the "nice serial rapist man." He punched Pacey right back, knocking him to the sand. The guy leaves and Joey got so dizzy that she, too, fell on the sand.*

{End of the script's dialogue}

*Pacey got up and helped Joey up and started to walk her back up to the house, and back to the Witter Wagoneer. Pacey had to practically carry her back to the car, given she was that wasted she couldn't walk. Once back at the car, he put her in the front seat, and headed back to take Joey home. Joey was asleep within minutes of the drive home, Pacey looked over at her and just watched her for a few seconds. He knew she was internally suffering, but he didn't know just how much. He feels bad for her, he wanted her to have a good time and now look at her...she's knocked out in the front seat of his car, drunk out of her mind. He finally reached the Potter residence and carried her {as well as he could} up her porch steps and into the house. He didn't want to wake Alexander in the room next to hers, so he put her on the couch in the living room. He brushed the hair out of her face, pulled a blanket up over her, and gave her hand a gentle kiss. He knew she was down for the count, so he whispered...*

Pacey: "Sweet dreams Jo, I'll see you tomorrow."

*And with that, Pacey leaves Joey's house and heads home. Thinking about the events of tonight and getting that feeling back about Joey. He had no idea what it was about, but he continued to ignore least for now...*

~Fade Out~

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