Chapter 12: The Blame Game

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{Heyyyy! First time hearing from me!!!! I just wanted you all to look at this photo and see what I see for a sec...Pacey's face looking at Dawson is clearing saying "she's gonna be mine bitch!" XD, I think it's hilarious!!!! Anyways, hoping you're loving the story so far, it's a work in progress but we're getting it up and running!! Your feedback is always appreciated! Continue to have fun reading guys!}  

(Dawson's Creek, Season 3~Episode 3: *Dawson has been hanging out with a rather delusional new blonde lately, and she's been making him do some crazy things. Today's debacle is that she stole a copy of the PSAT's and gave it to Dawson to share with his friends. He brought it to school, and all of them lost their minds. They couldn't believe that he would steal the PSAT, Joey was beyond furious at him but knew better...Dawson didn't do it...the blonde bimbo herself, Eve did it. Pacey could tell Joey was livid, and he just found the situation funny. He enjoyed seeing this new side of Dawson, but still thought this was a bit much, even for him. Andie gave Pacey back all of the things he ever gave her in a box and returned it to him. As much as he's been enjoying the development with Joey the past few months, he still misses Andie from time to time. He let all his feelings consume him, so he decided to channel them in alcohol that day...but then, he missed Joey, so he went over to her place of work to pay her a visit..."

{Script's Dialogue}

Pacey: *Ringing the bell outside Joey's office with a gas pump, swaying back and forth barely able to keep his eyes open*

Joey: "Be there in a minute!" *Coming out of her office to find Pacey* "No loitering, Pacey."

Pacey: *Slurring his words* "Listen. l am a legitimate customer...and l demand some service, missy!"

Joey: *Thinking "he's completely wasted," with her arms crossed she asks him...* "Have you been drinking?"

Pacey: *Throwing up his hands in fake surrender, cracking a joke in his drunken state* "Only liquor, l promise."

Joey: *Knows there's something wrong with him, he only drinks when he's in some sort of emotional pain or stress* "What's wrong?"

Pacey: "It's nothing a little bonfire won't fix..." *Joey took the pump away from him so he wouldn't hurt himself* "You see, our friend Andie..." *Staggering back and forth, picking up his box of things from Andie* "Decided that she needed to cleanse me from her maintain her sanity." *Looking in the box, reminiscing for a short second before it all came crashing down...literally* "The casualties were the contents of this box...Behold" *Pacey trips over the dock and falls flat on his face. Joey running over to help him, the box and items slowly drifting away from the dock* "Oh, hello, Mr. Dock."

Joey: "Pacey..." *Leaning down to help him back on his feet*

Pacey: "Hey, Jo?" *Rolling over to face her, desperately needing her help at the moment. He reached for her hand*

Joey: "Yeah?" *Grabbing his hand, gently holding it and grazing his fingers with hers*

Pacey: "Do me a favor. l probably shouldn't go home like this. Think you could call my dad and tell him I'm hangin' here?

Joey: "Yeah." *Gently patting his hand, and gently putting it back down on the dock. Leaving him to go call his dad*

Pacey: *He stayed laying on the dock, he turned over to see a remaining picture of him and Andie on the dock. He went to grab it, but his hand bumped it and knocked it off the dock and into the water...* "That's my girl." *He watched it fall down into the water and was heartbroken. He was glad that he would be with Joey, and she would be able to make him feel better*

*The rest of the day, Joey and Pacey hung out in her office. After a while, he wanted to get fresh air, so he sat outside against the building, right next to her window. Joey had fallen asleep at her desk; she was exhausted from her work all day helping take care of boats and trying to compile studying on top of that job. Pacey watched her as she slept, not in a creepy way, just in a protective kind of way. Joey was always peaceful when she slept, and he could see all the stress of the upcoming PSAT's going away the more she slept. Dawson made a pit stop; he knew that Pacey would be with Joey. As soon as Pacey saw Dawson, he knew what this was about...*

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