Chapter 15: You're My Escape

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{Hi all my lovely readers!! I wanted to make a disclaimer basically letting you know that this chapter is probably 99.9% of my own creation! Not much happened between Joey and Pacey in this episode so I thought I'd make my twist on the episode and how it went down! Continue to enjoy, love you all! ~Ray :)} {PS. I wasn't planning on giving Dawson as much dialogue as I did, but for the sake of how the script was written I kinda had to. Sorry if this upsets anyone, I definitely am not happy about it either, but we'll work through it together! The good stuff is there though, I promise!}

(Dawson's Creek, Season 3~Episode 7: *Dawson was creating {yet again} another film, but this time it was for a class that he and the gang all shared together. They were to do an assignment on the "Blair Witch Project," either writing papers, or doing some form of research to prove what happened...but not Dawson Leery, he wanted to make a film about their experience on the island and what had happened. Pacey was not planning on doing the usual. Jen did not want to have to write a paper, so she was looking for an absolution. And Joey was simply going to write a paper for the assignment...only realizing that with the B&B renovation and taking care of Alexander, she completely forgot to read up on the subject matter itself. Knowing the project was due in a few days, she had to think fast on her feet. After hearing Dawson was going to make this documentary, and offered them all a spot on the project, they accepted. At first Joey was not too sure about joining, but Pacey made it a priority for her to show up he wasn't doing this without her. He'd make sure to keep her safe, but of course he'd have a little fun spooking her. He definitely was not afraid, he just wanted to be there to watch Joey squirm. Jen thought she'd come too; she enjoyed watching Dawson in his element...making films. They all planned to gather at school the morning of the trip, that way they could all go together. Joey walked with Pacey, Dawson and Jen a few inches beside them. She overheard Dawson talking about the events of the past on that island, and Joey admitted that she was scared. Pacey took that as an opportunity to let her know that she was quite the "skittish kitten." Smiling at her, he gave her a slight hip jab. Looking at him, smirking while giving him a little shove back. Pacey simply laughed at the gesture, he wanted her to know regardless of the playfulness, he'd take care of her. Joey was secretly enjoying the attention Pacey was giving to her, they were getting back into their groove. She hadn't seen him for a couple days, ever since the incident with Andie. She missed him deeply, so having him go on this adventure with her made her feel better and much safer. Dawson had to double check that he had all his camera equipment, he was borrowing some of the school's things. Walking into the school Joey thought she'd be nice and help him out, but Jen went ahead and helped him. Joey was kind of hurt, and Pacey could see that. He knew that Joey was simply trying to be friends with Dawson again, but he wasn't giving her an inch. Pacey wanted to make sure she was okay...*

Pacey: "You okay Potter?" *Knowing exactly, she wasn't okay*

Joey: "I'm fine Pacey" *Voice trailing off, she knew she'd give it away that something was wrong*

Pacey: *Knowing she was lying, especially given she called him "Pacey" and not "Witter" like she would any other time* "I know that's a lie Jo, come on; what's up?"

Joey: *Knowing Pacey knows her too well, she can't hide anything from him anymore* "Did you see how he just completely dodged my help? I mean, all I was trying to do was lend him a hand. I didn't know I was that repulsing..." *Looking down, with a frown prominently on her face*

Pacey: *Hated seeing Joey like this, that frown needed to go and fast. And he needed to reassure her that she was in no way "repulsing"* "You're not repulsing Jo, not in the slightest! It's alright, you know how Dawson is Jo; he wants to make sure everything is in its precise place, and you know him "Spielberg Junior." *Saying with a laugh*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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