Chapter 9: The Hardest Goodbye Part 2 (Joey's POV)

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(Dawson's Creek, Season 2~Episode 22: *Joey's dad is now back in her life and has been for a few weeks now, but there's a problem...her dad is dealing drugs again. Dawson caught Mr. Potter and another man discussing something in a duffle bag in the back of the Ice House yesterday evening. The next morning, Pacey's dad, Sheriff Witter, was pulling up to the Ice House. Pacey was a little confused as to why his dad was there...but then he thought about it. He thought maybe he'd investigate and see what his father was up to...*

{Script's Dialogue}

Pacey: "That's the Icehouse...Are you guys staking it out?"

Sheriff Witter: "That's none of your concern."

Pacey: *Not wanting Joey to get involved, and wanting him to not mess with Mr. Potter...he just got out of prison and is trying to get back on the right path. Joey might not admit it, but she needs her father.* "Pops if this means you're going to start harassing Joey's dad..."

Sheriff Witter: "I'm not harassing anybody. I wear a badge. I do a job!"

Pacey: "He's finally putting his family's life back together, the guy deserves a break."

Sheriff Witter: "I'll be the judge of that. In the meantime, you've got a final to get to. Now don't screw it up.

Pacey: "Is there any possibility that your advice will ever take on a positive tone?"

Sheriff Witter: "I'm positive you better not screw up!"

Pacey: *Wishing his father would finally see that he WAS actually TRYING in school these days...he also wished he would start treating him like his son and not some stranger off the street* "Gee, Dad, you know it's really great that we can have these talks every morning!"

Sheriff Witter: "Since your little girlfriend left your attitude has gone from bad to worse and I don't approve of it. A girl is not worth messing your life up over, you hear me?!"

Pacey: *Getting irritated with his dad, he just wanted him to leave Joey and her family alone. And he definitely didn't want him bringing up Andie in a negative way...he needed to walk away* "May I go now, sir?"

*Sheriff Witter waves him off, Pacey hops on his bike and runs into Dawson as he's about to head to school...*

Dawson: "Did he try and run you over with the car this morning?"

Pacey: "May as well have...the bastard." *Tired of his father and his negativity towards him, he just wanted to get to school to get the day over with and to see Joey*

*Later on that evening, Dawson, Joey, Pacey, Jen and Jack were all studying at the Ice House. They were minding their own business and having a good time until Sheriff Witter made an unexpected appearance...*

Sheriff Witter: "Pacey, what are you doing here?"

Pacey: *Giving him a sarcastic response* "We're signing a peace treaty..." *then giving him an actual response* "Studying, Pop, studying..."

Sheriff Witter: *Looking to Joey* "Joey, is your father around?"

Mr. Potter: *Appearing from the back, upon hearing the sheriff's voice* "Hello, John. Restaurant's closed."

Sheriff Witter: "Hello Mike, can I speak to you for a second?"

Mr. Potter: *Maintaining a stable composure* "Sure. Come on back!"

Joey: *Watching the whole encounter from her seat next to Pacey, curious as to why his father was continually coming around the Ice House today* "Pacey...what's going on?"

Pacey: *Knowing she was getting upset at all the attention his father was giving to hers* "Hey, don't look at me. My father's crusades are his own deal."

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