Chapter 6: True Beauty Comes from Within

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(Dawson's Creek, Season 1~Episode 12: *Jen was talking to the fearsome foursome about how she used to be entered in pageants... (Against her own free will) Joey always thought those things were lame and thought they were just ways to make men see the opposite sex. Pacey thought it would be a life altering event if he decided to try out for one...and possibly win one? Jen thought it would be a good idea to enter Joey in one, and how ironic that the yacht club was holding the Miss Windjammer Pageant the upcoming week! Once Jen signed Joey up, Dawson made fun of her for it making her feel worse about it than she already did...Pacey on the other hand applauded her for her joining the pageant. He knew Joey wasn't into all the glitz and glamor of being a female, but he was happy that she would get to wear a dress for a good reason now. He only saw Joey in dresses when she was 12, he knew she absolutely hated them. Joey would only wear dresses when they were absolutely necessary, like dinner parties, family functions, weddings and things of that nature. Pacey was very ready to see Joey in a dress now that she was 15...and filling out. But above that, he wanted to applaud her for her bravery...*

Pacey: "I applaud you, Potter! This will be the first time in YEARS that I will get to see you in a dress!" *Excited about the forthcoming opportunity*

Joey: "Bite me Pacey! I'm only doing this out of the need for a would never catch me doing this on a daily basis like Lindley used to!"

Jen: "Hey?!" *Kind of upset that that's the only way Joey viewed her*

Joey: "Sorry Jen, didn't mean it that way" *Not intentionally hurting her feelings, just simply stating the truth*

*After spending all week on preparations for the event, Joey continued to regret her decision. She knew this wasn't like her, but, if they would offer her a scholarship to college, she would do anything for that chance of winning...even being a "beauty queen" for a day. Dawson continues to be in disbelief that Joey was actually doing this, he knows it isn't her. They began getting ready for the main event, Pacey was very excited for all the attention. He knew this would be a very fun experience for him. Once it was his turn, Pacey was losing his mind when the crowd cheered for him. Joey stood off to the side laughing, absolutely enjoying the fact that Pacey was making this look so easy and flawless. Joey wished she had his charisma and charm; it would've made this experience much easier. It was now Joey's turn to go up on stage and flaunt her her it was to get the scholarship in her grasp...not to please anyone...*

Joey: *Walking gracefully around the stage, giving her signature pout, but remembering to smile every now and again. Feeling everyone's eyes on her, she started to eventually soak it all in*

Pacey: *Goes to stand behind Jen, who was watching Joey* "Could it be Cinderella's fairy godmother did the job too well?" *Absolutely mesmerized by how beautiful Joey was...her dress low cut in the front, the light above her giving her chest a light glow. Her chocolate brown eyes scanned the crowd for approval, her hips slightly swaying every time she moved around the stage, dress hugging her sides just right...but then it hit him...he realized that seeing her in a dress and makeup and hair all did was absolutely breathtaking...but not her true beauty. Her true beauty was in oversized clothes, with her hair down and flowing, and her sneakers that were worn out from years of use. He had to admit, he loved this side of Joey...elegant and pretty, but he loved tomboy Joey much more.*

*Once Joey finished her walk around the stage, the talent portion began. She was to sing, which no one else in the pageant did. When she sang, everyone was in awe of her beautiful voice...but no one in the room had the pride and full heart feeling than Pacey Witter. He watched her in awe, listening intently to her beautiful soft voice. He knew he'd never forget this night; he was transported to another world while watching Joey strut around the stage. Dawson began to regret making fun of Joey for doing this pageant, he could see now what it meant to her by doing it. He looked over at Pacey and saw the look of pride and happiness on his face...he had never seen Pacey look at her that way before, this was new. They announced the winners, and Joey took second place. Pacey really wanted her to win the scholarship, but he was simply happy with the idea that she did this for her, not for anyone else. After everyone left, Dawson went to talk to Joey, which only ended up upsetting her and hurting her. She walked off from Dawson and found Pacey sitting on the dock by the front of the yacht club. She wanted to see how he was, and to applaud him for his bravery too...*

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