Chapter - 25🔞🔞

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Both was wetting but that made them crazy. Brick couldn't tolerate that Day compare him with anyone while they sex many time and Day was happy that Brick broke his commitment and kiss him.

Brick mouth opend and Day sucked his toung and tasted saliva and water. Between them sort of oxygen, parted for air and Brick

"How dare you to compare me with anyone. ",Brick said in deep breakable and his hand slipped under of Day T-shirt and touched his abs. Day smiled to listen his aggressive complain and took off his t-shirt.

"Why I can't compare you with anyone? ", said Day in deep havey voice and torn off Brick shirt. Now they half naked, water running their body and Day snatch him started lick water from his body. Brick body respond a sensation run top to bottom and scretch Day backed which Day made more horney.

"We sex many time,dont you ever feel satisfied with me on bed.", Brick whispering near Day ear while Day licking and sucking his neck.

"Did you tried to made me satisfying yourself ever? ", said Day, turned Brick back, bite him on back and Brick felt pain but he didn't resist like wanted to made excited to Day. Brick turned and opened Day paint, his rod already straightened and ready to hunt. Brick looked that hungrily, he bend down on knee and taken in mouth. Day was looking Brick like he impressed with him. Day eyes started blinking, his hand on his head. Day taken pleasure.

"Brickkkkkk....... ", Day moaned his name and closed eyes in pleasure. Brick sucking his rod to made this red and he cupped Day tight buttock to squeeze by his palms.

"So good", saying that Day grabbed by hair to made him stand and kiss again. While Day kissing him take off his pant and made him naked, Day smirked to see his erection. After he take Brick into bathtub, dip him and climb on him. They fight to being up of each other, cold water made him more excited to making hot each other bodies.

Day locked Brick hand with his grip at top of tub and suck his lips badly like this will never get ever ,Brick lost in other world leg automatically move around of Day waist. After he leave his hand, grabbed member and started blowing it when Brick's rod realise white stuff then taken loop and put on his channel coldness cause a stimulation in Brick and he moan.

"If you want it easy so don't called my name otherwise I'll have to fuck hard.", warned Day and leave his hand to grappling like hug. He licking his nippled tough and lip made him unstable. Brick eyes was closed to feel every stimulation and sensation. Day insert his middle finger in his channel then index and middle finger both inserted to stretch. Brick backbone curved in pleasure, Day noticed him and now he penetrated his whole rod slowly. He started moving ,Brick hold edge of tub and saw Day who moniter his expression. Time to accelerate, Day speed up , Brick breath heavily in pleasure.

"Dayyyyy........",moaned Brick listening this Day gone crazy and speed up. Day like when Brick called his named in moan. Listen this he lost his control and he fucked him hard again and n again.

"agh.....Dayy.....Day..... I'mm..cuming.",moaned Brick his eyes rolled and breathe chocked in orgasm. Day was out of control he felt amazing. Day also closed eyes and rised his head. they both was dipped in craziness Day didn't stopped in one round and Brick didn't count.

Now Day carried him in bridal style on bed after wiped him. They didn't ware nothing. Both was slept under blanket naked because whole energy already invested and felt lazy. Day hugged him from back and Brick slept in exhaustion.

Morning rised Brick wakeup his legged shaken and body had red mark but he know what they did last night. He went in washroom in naked condition for being fresh all body had ach and love bite. He brushed and touch each mark to remind how was they did last night.

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