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"Day, will my friend okay? means he will not harm Nick? ", asked Brick with thoughtful and looked at Day. Day chuckled to listen.

" I should asked from you that my friend will okay with him. Didn't you notice your friend intentions. ", Day said with smirk.

"I think my Neil is in danger with your noisy dwarf friend ", saying that Day came with Brick in room.

Suddenly Day phone rang......

"What's up, Beam?" Day answered the
call. Brick's ears perked up because he's
never heard of this person before.

"So, it is... I'm sorry for leaving you for
so long. Night is sick right now," said
Day softly. Brick frowned because he heard Night's name.

"P, give me two days. Wait for Night to
be released from the hospital first. Then, I'll hurry back. Anyways, leave him to me," Day said again before glancing at Brick for a bit. He realized that Brick was sitting and listening to his conversation  attentively. Day smiled slightly.

"Beam, don't hang up yet... Don't you
miss me too?" Day said. Brick froze when he heard this.

"Do you want anything special? When
I'm on my way back, I'll  buy it for you," Day asked. Brick didn't know who was on the other end of the line. Whether it was a woman or a man, he didn't know what to think about it because he could only hear Day's voice. He knew that Day seemed to care about this person named Beam. Brick sat up straight as he thought about this.

"Okay, then. That's all for now. Go to
work. See you in two days. I miss you,"
said Day before hanging up the phone
and turning to look at Brick.

"What are you doing sitting here?" Day
asked in a flat tone. Brick flinched before looking his way a bit.

"Uh...I'm hungry, I've been waiting to ask if you've eaten yet," Brick said quietly. Day's tone was completely different now.

"What would you like to eat?" Day didn't answer but asked back.

"Anything," Brick replied softly.

"Do you want to go out or do you want
to eat in my room?" Day asked, leaving
Brick in silence as he was still thinking to himself.

"I asked where you want to eat?!! Why
don't you answer me?" Day said in a
stern voice. Brick immediately lifted his head to look at Day.

"Anywhere. Why are you yelling at me?
Can't you talk to me nicely? I follow your orders to the fullest. Just talk nicely tome or will you die if you're nice?" Brick kept thinking about Day on the phone, so he asked what he was thinking. Day just smirked.

"I will only speak nicely to those I want
to speak nicely, too. You don't have
to demand for it so much, right? It's
annoying," Day said.

"If I'm so annoying, why don't you just
let me go? Why do you keep me here?
I know you allowed your brother and
Gear to stay together, even though you
didn't want to. You should go to see your brother at the hospital. You wouldn't want your brother to get too close to Gear like this," said Brick. Day clenched his teeth at that and quickly pinched Brick's chin to get him to look at him.

"Ow! Brick cried out a little before resisting his cries. He didn't want to raise his voice. How did Day's hand have this much strength to be able to squeeze his chin this hard? Brick stood still, so Day wouldn't squeeze his chin like that anymore.

"So what?! I allow my brother to date
Gear, but it has nothing to do with me
letting you go or not. Haven't I already
told you? If you want to leave me, only
your soul can leave!!" Day yelled out
loudly before shaking off the hand that
was squeezing Brick's chin. He felt a sharp pain all over his chin and left side of his chest. He felt exhausted and weak.

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