-31 Out Sick

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Real life, iMessage

Lia sighed as she layed flat on the couch, it was currently 4 am and she couldn't sleep.

And well the  reason she's on the couch was that after she fell asleep in bed she got back up for water and somehow ended up falling asleep on the couch...

She stared up at the ceiling, her hands resting on her stomach and began to think.

She thought about her future and what she was gonna do.

Job wise, she  thought about streaming, cafe worker, music artist or maybe a photographer.

However, the two that stuck out to her was streaming and photography.

She was good at photographing ever since she was young and she even took photography as an extra curricular while in secondary school.

But on the other hand, streaming was something she also enjoyed and is familiar with the work as well as the fact she was just starting to get known.

But enough about jobs...

She thought about moving out and maybe even trying to get a boyfriend.

Life has been pretty boring.. she could use the company.

Her aimless thinking came to an end when it was interrupted by the sound of a door opening.

Which was most likely Wilbur..

"Li? Why are you on the couch?", Wilbur questioned while rubbing his eyes.

"Sleep no"  she spat out without thinking

Wilbur had a confused look on his face as he began to think what that could possibly mean

"Ah.. I see I'm  guessing you couldn't sleep"

Lia snapped her fingers indicating that he was right on the dot and got it right.


Awhile passed and it was now 7:27 am.

Lia had gotten off the couch and gotten ready for the day, just throwing on a oversized T-Shirt and shorts.

After breakfast Lia finally picked up her phone seeing the bunch of messages she missed.

36 messages blondie > open?
13 messages SirClay > open?
12 messages Turbo > open?
16 messages BandanaBoy > open?

Out of all the messages she had received, the first one she replied to was Tommy.

Then dream, Sapnap and Tubbo

She apologized to all of them for not responding sooner.

"What's on your mind?"  Questioned Wilbur, The brunette sighed.

"I wanna get a job"  she spat out

Wilbur raised his eyebrows

"Alrighty then, what are we thinking?"



"Cafe worker"



" Oh?"

Wilbur smiled, "really?' He asked the girl

"No joke at all" she replied..

-Lyssa out

Heyo another chapter 💃🏼

Lia wants to stream? What are your guys thoughts?

OCEAN EYES //Tommyinnit ✔️Where stories live. Discover now