chapter 27🤍

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Although I was mid panic attak about my boyfriend being lifeless on the floor, I knew I had to go with him, to be there for him.

Me and Declan hopped in the back of the ambulance with a still unconscious Mason, his bleeding head now patched up. Tears fell from my cheeks and Declan really tried to calm me down , and although it was hard, I slowed down the flow of tears.

When we arrived at the hospital they took us straight into the emergency room where they hooked Mason to a bunch of monitors as jagged some weird medicine into him.

"You ready for me to tell you, if it makes you feel better he wasn't unconscious in the water , I mean kind of but also not." I smile sarcastically at Declan thanking him for his unhelpful words to make me feel better then allow him to continue. "Mase probably told you we were going jumping off the boat, and for the first 10 minutes it was jokes, we'd all jumped off at least twice and had gotten used to it. So me and mase decided to jump off together, not holding hands in case you think he's cheating on you with me." I appreciate him making light of the situation, but at this point I just want to know what happened.

"so me and Mason jumped and it was all going smooth until Mason started turning upside dow and kind of went in head first, don't get me wrong like he wasn't going fast so it can't be that bad. At first he was fine and no one noticed until we climbed back on to the deck and mase said he felt light headed. That's when a big gash of blood came gushing out his head." He explained putting his head down probably just remembering the moment he seen.

"Oh my god, I swear to god if he has a concussion," I started but then the doctor came bursting through the door, not literally but it felt like it.

The doctor had an unreadable look on her face, I couldn't tell what she knew or what she was about to say. Me and Declan drew eachother confused look before giving our attention back to the doctor.

"Okay guys good news, it's nothing to serious just a minor concussion, and when I say minor I mean minor. No memory loss should happen except maybe for how he ended up here. Bad news is for 2 days it's best he should rest, a sunbed or a normal bed it doesn't matter he needs to rest and if he's in the pool he shouldn't be playing about." The doctor finished and me and dec let out a sigh of relief. Thank god my boy is okay, he's safe he's fine.

About 15 minutes after the doctor had left Mason woke up in a confused state and like last time he was struck in the head struggled to get words, the doctor told us to not worry so we didn't freak out about it.

"Your okay Mason , how do you feel." And he stuck up his thumb then tried to touch his head "Mason bro don't touch it you have to rest for a couple days , you remember what happened?" Declan asked him and he shook his head no and pulled a confused face.

I held his hand as I stared at his baffled face, I felt awful, bless him he didn't deserve this at all it was a complete accident that shouldn't have happened.

For the next 5 minutes we sat in silence, Declan probably texting the boys and tell them he's all okay, sort of. The silence was broke by Mason how tried to string together a sentence which eventually, he managed to get out. "What, uh kam? What happened?" he asked quietly at cutely and I smiled at him before pointing to Declan.

Declan told mase everything very slowly so he took it all in, and when he finished Mason giggled which made us both laugh. "I'm a fucking idiot!"

Overall this wasn't something I should've been worried about, he lost a lot of blood though and had to be wheeled out of hospital after a total 4 hours sitting in the hospital room. We got in a cab and made the 40 minute journey back to our villa.

 We got in a cab and made the 40 minute journey back to our villa

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liked by, jackgrealish, madstaylorx, declanrice and 289,567 others

today was one of the scariest days of my life, I won't go into depth but Mason had hit his head while jumping off a boat in Ibiza. He had landed awkwardly and it was a complete accident. When I came up to top deck I seen Mason on the floor. It was so scary and confusing as I didn't know what was happening till we got to the ER. Thankfully Mason is okay and will be fine in just a few days. So please be careful and mindful when doing things like this because this very well could have gone/ been much worse. I love you mase❤️

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