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(August 18th,2023)
Six pounds and zero ounces feels like yesterday
Going from needing me everyday
To pushing my helping hand away
But seeing your smiling face everyday
Makes my heart soar
After struggles of words held back
Every night I say I love you
Just one more time
So I can hear my six pound zero ounce sweetheart say I love you too once more before we both go to sleep
Never wanting you to let me go in moments you hold me tight
Every time you call for me
No matter how many times
I will run and answer no matter what
My whole entire life I just wanted a safe place
So I'll be yours forever
You can come to me with anything
I will still hold you and look into your eyes just as I did that very first time
Loving you
Is my greatest blessing in this lifetime
I don't even know how I got so lucky
Happy birthday squeaks, my little wiggle worm
Can't believe that you aren't six pounds and zero ounces anymore but heading towards the big number four
In these next coming weeks

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