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(October 23rd,2023)

I don't know why
My repressed memories fly up when I'm high
All I know is I'm thankful for it
Knowing memories means I'm knowing myself and how to heal quicker
When I tell people weed helps me
They think it's cause I want to numb it all
No Xanax does that
Everything else does that
With weed I feel every emotion I'm forced to hold in
As a mother
As a woman of society
As a daughter
Weed keeps everything I want hushed unlocked
So forgive me when I say Mary Jane helps me
Forgive me if I overstep when I say fuck everything else
Because healing has become a part of me whether parts of me like it or not
I refuse to walk around in my shadow my whole life
Even if it means never having something attached to my name
Even if it means I work underpaying jobs at least I know in the end I didn't sell out on healing
I chose me when the world didn't
Every single time
And maybe smoking tree is to blame
When I hold two middle fingers up heavily
But it's the reason I'll never be a face my friends see in the obituary

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