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(January 18th,2024)
As I'm reading this book
I question the first time I met you
But I think you've been there before I even remember being conscious
You've been my puppeteer
For the majority of my life
How can something that helps us live
Kill so many of us
Separating myself from you will always continue to be a battle
A battle I've yet to win
But maybe knowing about the power you hold in others
Will help me understand why you sunk your teeth in me so deep
I walk around with scars from your smile

Sometimes facing you makes me feel weak
Like something I'm meant to face as the equivalent to an ant and a mountain
I hope within these papers I read upon
They teach me
How to unburden your stomach
As you continue to look at me with lioness eyes
Licking your lips as I yet again head for the toilet bowl
Playing music to sound out everything
You are the love of my life
But the one that's put enough blades in my back
To have put me down long before now
Life without you
Doesn't seem possible
But in the end.... Ed
It's always been up to you...
Will you release me or continue to feast upon me?

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