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(February 4th,2024)
I hope the world never dulls your smile
The way it lights up a room
Is so majestic
The way your eyes shine
And your nose crinkles when you giggle
A part of me can breathe

I hope you never feel like nothing you do will ever be good enough
Or that your kindness is taken for granted
I hope the people in your life never fill your head
With poison meant to completely shatter you

I hope you never write songs about how the world never needed you here
I hope your voice and your ideas are never quieted
I hope that with every breath you take
the sun shines deep into your soul

I hope when the world becomes hell you rise above
Because you deserve to
Little one
I hope that no one ever uses your body like an object
I hope you hold every part on a pedestal and never critique imperfections
For hours in the mirror
Because your beauty inside and out should never be measured like mine was

I hope when you scream the forest falls silent
To listen
Because your voice deserves to be heard
I hope when you think your world is coming to an end
You know the strongest arms that can hold you together
Will always be right here

I hope the world treats you better
My dearest
Little girl
I hope so
With all I have left

Your Struggles is What Creates Your DepthDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora