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"Hi, welcome to Wilson & Associates. Can I help you?" One of the front receptionists said to Zac.

"Fatima Taylor, please?" Zac replied as he fiddled with his tie.

"One moment."

Zac casually looked the waiting area over noticing that it had been upgraded since he was last there.

"Zachary?" He heard a familiar voice call him.

He turned to see his mother-in-law, Claire, dressed to impress in a red and black shirt two piece suit.

Her face lit up as she walked up to him arms open for a hug.

"Hi, ma."

"Oh. It's so good to see you. " She said squeezing him in a hug.

"Good to see you too."

"Oh, let me at you. I've missed seeing your handsome face. How have you been doing?"

"Don't worry about me, look at you. Looking beautiful as always. How have you and Poppa J been?"

"We've been great. Just working and enjoying life."

"Wonderful. Is he here? It would be great to see him as well."

"He should be back from court by now. I let him know you you're here."

"Please do. And I what you guys have done to the office.."

"Uh huh. Zac cut the crap and answer the question. How are you doing?"

"I tried it, huh?" He chuckled lightly.


"Umm..confused, hurt, angry. I'm trying to give her space but..I want this to work between us but its hard when she's always running or shutting me out."

"I understand. She's been a bit of a whirlwind lately, emotionally speaking. But it take two to tango. She has issues and so do you."

"Have she talked to you about any if this?"

"Not really, just bits and pieces. You know we don't really get involved like that. But she has been different. The look in her eyes sometimes...That's what worries me."

Zac nodded as he listened to her.

"Have you seen her yet?" She asked.

"No. Just waiting for the all clear."

"Well come on back with me. I have to pass by her office anyway." She said gaining the receptionist attention.

"No need. She's not here..or rather she's not back yet." Fatima's assistant, Inez, spoke as she approached them.

"Well where is she?" Claire asked glancing at her watch.

"Where's who??" Fatima asked coming up to them.

"You. Where have you been?"

"You asking as my mother or my boss?"

"Both." Claire said squinting her eyes at Fatima.

"I had an errand to run that took longer than I thought." She explained walking towards her office as they trailed behind.

"Well Inez and I will leave two to talk. Zac it was great seeing you." Claire said as she and Inez parted from the couple.

A long and tense silence filled the office as they waited for the other to speak.

"So you're pregnant?"

"Yep. A little over 16 weeks." She answered taking a seat at her desk.

"Why didn't you tell me before last night? Did you ever plan to tell me?"

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