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"Are you sure you want to do this? I mean these are not the people you want to mess with." The man asked.

The lady scoffed. She was sick of people questioning her decision. She knew what she was doing.

"Yes. Now you said you can make it look good, right?"

He nodded.

"Of course. I'm just trying to be a real friend to you and warn you. There's no shame in backing off."

"Thanks but I'm not paying you to be my friend right now. I'm paying you to do a job. A very discreet job."

"Aight. All I'm saying is these people will fuck you up. Legally, illegally, holy or unholy, they gonna come for your ass. I hope you ready for the consequences that come with."

"Just do it."
The sound of thunder boomed through the parking garage followed by flashes of lightning just as Zac stepped off the elevator.

"Damn. I should have left earlier. Traffic gonna be a bitch." Zac muttered to himself.

He continued to walk as he sent Fatima a quick text when he bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention." He said catching their body and help them stand up right.

"Oh excuse me. Zac!" Kayla said noticing who bumped into her.

"Kayla? Are you ok? What are you even doing here?" He asked glancing at his watch.

"I'm fine. Just a little angry with myself."

"O...k. Umm..not to be rude but why you here? The office is closed."

"I know that now. I'm leaving town early tomorrow so I was bringing some contracts back to the legal department.I was already out of the car when I noticed that I didn't have the contracts or my keys in my hand. So I'm locked out. And I really hate this type of weather." She ranted as lightning flashed.

"Oh..so why didn't you just Uber home? Don't you have a hidden key? The garage is secure so your car is fine for tonight." Zac asked shooting off questions.

"I don't believe in a hide a key and I leave for the airport at 5 a.m. So I was on my way to the cafe to wait for my friend." She said slinging her purse on her shoulder.

"Problem. Cafe is also closed." He replied scratching his eyebrow.

"You're joking, right?" She asked as he shook his head.

"The owner is a single mother, so she leaves when we leave."

Every fiber in his body was telling him to leave and let her figure it out on her own. But because he was raised right, he couldn't leave her there.

"Look there is a Starbucks down the street, I can drop you off there so you can wait."

"I can't ask you to do that." She lightly protested.

"You didn't ask, I offered. Besides my parents would beat my ass if they knew I bypassed someone in need of help especially a woman"

"Only if you're sure?"

"Yeah, I have to drive pass it anyway." He gestured towards his truck.

They walked in silence until he spoke.

"You know the contracts could have waited until you got back." He said opening the door for her.

"I know.." she smiled as he closed the door and walked around to get in.

When he entered she was bend towards the floor picking up what what looks to be items from her purse.

"You good?"

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