Chapter Seven

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"We seriously need new meeting places, I mean we can't stand guard in Scott's, Lydia's, or Deaton's forever." I sighed, looking around at everything.

"That's true." A voice said as the door opened. I walked from Scott's kitchen into the living room where Nathan stood. Scott tensed up, ready to attack but I held him back.

"You have some guts." Liam spat, coming around the corner as well. He growled at Nathan, his eyes glowing a glorious gold, while Scott's glowed a righteous red.

Nathan smiled wickedly, tilting his head to the side. "My, my, the true alpha and his beta want to fight. I wonder which one to kill first?"

Without warning Liam lunged forward towards Nathan, his fangs bared. Nathan's hand flicked swiftly, hitting Liam across the face sending him flying sideways. Everyone froze from at the scene and it was Nathan's laughter that broke the silence.

"Holy hell you're a wild one. I bet you taste spicy, the testosterone that's boiling in your blood is on overdrive. I can smell it!" He said, looking at Liam with a grin on his face. Scott stepped forward but he didn't do anything at all.

"What are you?" Scott asked him.

"Stiles you're as lovely as ever." Nathan said. He completely brushed past Scott, coming straight towards me. Nathan placed his hand on my head, shuffling it lightly with a huge smile on his face. "I missed you!"

"I think you might have multiple people in your head." I told him, pushing him away.

"Stiles you smell good as well." He told me, smiling fondly.

"You're weird, stop smelling me." I demanded, finally noticing something. "Dude, your breath smells like minty ass, if that's even a thing." Scott gave me a 'WTF' look. "What it does?!"

Nathan popped a mint in his mouth, smiling gently. "Sorry, lunch is still on my breath."

I stared at him, trying to figure out what the hell he was talking about. "What you mean, did you eat a dead skunk or something?" I asked him, though I was looking past him towards Scott. I was looking from him towards Liam who was recovering from his earlier attack. He stared at me in disbelief and I looked from him towards the door.

"No silly, I don't eat animals." He said smiling again before eating another mint. "I eat people!"

Even my words got choked up in my mouth as we all stared at him in disbelief. "You're like that thing, from the night I was turned!" Liam said.

"A wendigo!" Scott said.

"Only part!" Nathan said happily.

"What the hell is with you?!" I asked him. "Any other time you're all deadly and serious and now you're happy go lucky."

"You noticed huh?" He asked, turning around quickly. There was noway to decipher what he was thinking. "I have new orders to not kill you, isn't that exciting!" He yelled, clapped his hands together, swirling around to face me with a gleeful expression. "Instead I have two other targets!"

Scott asked what I was fearing to ask. "Who?"

"A Derek Hale and a Liam Dunbar." He said turning to Scott. "Sorry mate but a beta made by a true alpha is especially interesting to my superiors. So is a werewolf who can turn into a wolf. Research is very vital to us." He said. "Only problem is I have no idea what they look like." He said, turning back to me with a frown. "Can you help me out Stiles? He has tons of betas including you and it's giving me a headache!" Nathan was actually pouting, looking at Scott with frustration. "I only know it's not the chicks."

I forced myself to not look at Liam in any way. Nathan was tapping his fingertips on his chin, looking from Scott to Liam.  "Hey, you were with Stiles that night I met you all. Liam and Derek are supposed to be Stiles lovers." Nathan said, making me laugh. It wasn't a joyful laugh, more like a nervous chuckle. I didn't think about the fact that Liam was in front of me but that the hunters believed I had two lovers.

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