Chapter Eighteen

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**A/N: So five more chapters! Hope you love them! Here's a picture of Lexi! This story will be done this week!**

To say the supermoon heightened Leo's strength was a major understatement. Or maybe it was the fact that he hadn't shown us his full strength in the last fight. Maybe he just played us for the naive fools that we were.

Once Leo landed he looked at us in anger, his eyes hazing over in a completely in that dead blue colour. He had this twitchy sort of movement to him, sensitive to others movements that even a blink drew his attention. His eyes fell upon his brother, his teeth baring, a hint of blood coming off of him.

He walked towards us and the first to move were the twins followed by Scott and Kira. Leo looked like he multiplied as he ran towards them. Kira swung her sword out at him and it was deflected instantly.

Leo caught the sword with his tail, the bones scraping against the steel, creating a string of sparks as it wrapped around Kira blade. Scott lunged forward and Leo unfurled his wing, pushing Scott away.

Ethan and Aiden attacked in unison as they slashed at his wings, making him move back away from the two.

Leo kneeled down on all fours, his claws digging into the ground as his wings extended, the entire length at least twice the size of his body. With one powerful flap he propelled his body forward in an instant, breezing past those two groups and appearing in front of me.

"Kill." He whispered with really wide eyes. His arm cracked as he moved it back, flexing his fingers before slicing at me with those paralytic claws. I was too late to react so I just held my eyes shut, waiting for the numbing feeling. Which never came.

I opened my eyes to see Lexi looking at me with a smirk. "Stiles, come on we're not the only ones with a boost." She said.

"He's using his wings as a speed booster." Nathan and I said in unison. Lexi looked at me in bewilderment as she tried to decide on what to do about this unseen predicament. Not only was he using his wings as a speed booster but his tail was a balancer/stabalizer.

As Lexi pushed forward his tail dug into the ground, holding him steady. I groaned from all of the effort Leo was putting in. It was like a completely different person than before, like he had duo personalities.

This was the supermoon in full effect. He was faster than any supernatural creature I've ever seen. His berserker side was in full effect as he fought hand in hand against Lexi and Scott.

"How do we win against someone who's going head to head with two alphas?" Liam asked. I looked at his contorted face, his golden eyes flashing anger. I tilted my head as I looked at him, a sly smile creeping on my face.

"What's that look for?" He growled, making my smile grow even larger.

"You're an I.E.D." I said with a smile. "Unleash that anger on him little berserker." I said, slapping his back. He smiled as he ran to join the alphas and I did the same. Lydia and Parrish stayed in the background and Kira soon joined them. Nathan and Isaac were circling the others along with the twins right behind them.

I felt as if we were a pack of hyenas, four circling to keep him in there with  those three. There was no telling where Jackson was sneaking around at but it was all according to plan. I went in between the middle circle to get into the center and joined Scott, Lexi, and Liam.

I wasn't sure what exactly to do as he swung out, confusing me about the fact that he had his fists closed the whole time. It was like he wasn't trying to use his claws at all to paralyze us. Yet there was blood dripping from his palms, which wasn't even close to the amount of blood that was emitting from his wounds.

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